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Michael H. Jenkins
Michael H. Jenkins @ MHSJenkins

Reader, writer, erstwhile IT guy, gardeners and firearms enthusiast. Acquiring and sharing the information and skills we need to navigate these trying times.


CounterSocial: @MHSJenkins

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Posts 31
Comments 124
Lockbit 3.0 Claims Attack on Federal Reserve: 33 Terabytes of Sensitive Data Allegedly Compromised
  • Further evidence that they don't keep us safe, we keep us safe.

  • Lockbit 3.0 Claims Attack on Federal Reserve: 33 Terabytes of Sensitive Data Allegedly Compromised

    On June 23, 2024, at 20:27 UTC, Lockbit 3.0 announced that it had infiltrated the systems of the Federal Reserve.

    Lockbit 3.0 Claims Attack on Federal Reserve: 33 Terabytes of Sensitive Data Allegedly Compromised

    This could be the hack that ends all hacks--if it actually happened. Does anyone know more?

    2 Lockbit 3.0 Claims Attack on Federal Reserve: 33 Terabytes of Sensitive Data Allegedly Compromised

    On June 23, 2024, at 20:27 UTC, Lockbit 3.0 announced that it had infiltrated the systems of the Federal Reserve.

    It's difficult to substantiate claims like this, but even the possibility is important to discuss. If anyone knows more please share that info if possible!

    Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • I have an upcoming article about this but: I just slapped together a older desktop machine with a large HDD and made it network accessible via my local network. Add Kiwix and a few other things and you're most of the way there. The difficulty is getting people to use it.

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • Yes it is and it does my heart good to find it. Thank you all so very much.

  • Sci-Hub: Because Information Wants to Be Free Sci-Hub: common ownership of the means of production,<br>free access to articles of consumption

    Sci-Hub website. Get free access to academic journals. Download research papers for free from ScienceDirect, IEEE, Wiley, Springer, Nature and others

    You're not hurting the authors/creators by using this--download and access fees for academic publications pay the publisher, not the researcher. If you're looking for an academic citation that's locked behind a paywall, give this a try.

    Has Facebook Stopped Trying?
  • Facebook came along at the right time in Internet history to grab all the Boomer crackpots and monied groups.

  • Has Facebook Stopped Trying?
  • Facebook has always been first and foremost an advertising platform, and they went where the money is. Some of that's the automated algorithms, some of that is deliberate corporate informationeering.

    I offer some thoughts on the decline and fall of the internet here, and I think it's germane to this discussion:

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • Oh wow, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'm really glad to know folks are working in this direction!

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • I'd love to tell you that it was an attempt at visual irony, but the reality is I originally posted this in another corner of the Fediverse and was too lazy to remove the #hashtags. The good/bad news is that I have nothing to sell you.

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • That one's gonna haunt us for a very long time, even though it really just made official what had been happening routinely.

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • I honestly think that's what we can do: start to build free, parallel structures and attract folks to join us. We can't outspend Google but we can opt out of their ecosystem to some degree or another both collectively and individually.

  • Overturning Roe Didn’t Just Cut Off Access. It Sabotaged Science, Too.
  • "Imaginary numbers"? Sounds like that DC fuzzy math . . .

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • And thank you for bringing that up as it helps me illustrate my central point: the importance of a free internet isn't online life in and of itself, but rather what the open flow of information and communication enable us to do in order to make the world a better place. Thanks for allowing me to clarify.

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • It's a real challenge in large portions of the world. So many national governments are perfectly happy with a corporatized, compartmentalized internet--and willing to pass legislation to keep it that way.

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • I absolutely agree, but I don't think it's too much to say that digital freedom and more important access to the internet and the various tools it offers played a starring roll in the Arab Spring.

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • Thank you for that insightful response. I appreciate you taking the time.

  • Overturning Roe Didn’t Just Cut Off Access. It Sabotaged Science, Too.
  • The motives and politics are absolutely petty. The results are an ongoing nightmare.

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • How would you suggest using the internet without search engines, and can that be accomplished in a way that is accessible to the average person?

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • Stay tuned, as I have thoughts and ideas on that in an upcoming article.

    (Make sure to like and subscribe, as the YouTubers say ;) )

  • Car dealerships in North America revert to pens and paper after cyberattacks on software provider

    Car dealerships across North America are still wrestling with disruptions that started last week. CDK Global, a company that provides software for thousands of auto dealers in the U.S. and Canada, was hit by back-to-back cyberattacks on Wednesday.

    cross-posted from:

    > Car dealerships in North America continue to wrestle with major disruptions that started last week with cyberattacks on a software company used widely in the auto retail sales sector. > > CDK Global, a company that provides software for thousands of auto dealers in the U.S. and Canada, was hit by back-to-back cyberattacks Wednesday. That led to an outage that has continued to impact operations. > > For prospective car buyers, that may mean delays at dealerships or vehicle orders written up by hand, with no immediate end in sight. > > On Monday, Group 1 Automotive Inc., a $4 billion automotive retailers, said that it continued to use “alternative processes” to sell cars to its customers.


    Overturning Roe Didn’t Just Cut Off Access. It Sabotaged Science, Too. Overturning Roe didn’t just cut off access. It sabotaged science, too.

    After Dobbs, scientists say their research has been delayed, limited, and blocked.

    Overturning Roe didn’t just cut off access. It sabotaged science, too.

    Petty Politics Sabotages Science. Details at 11.

    Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information
  • Fixed, and thank you. Not entirely sure how that happened as I posted the same link again and it works now.

  • Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information

    The dark times are here, but there are ways in which we can thrive in the digital wasteland

    Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information

    My thoughts on the #futureoftheinternet, #digitalfreedom, #freedomofinformation, and #accessibility--with some #FOSS and #anarchy thrown in, of course.

    I absolutely welcome comments and feedback offered in good will from the informed minds gathered in this particular digital space #Lemmy #Fediverse #keepsmesane

    29 Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information

    The dark times are here, but there are ways in which we can thrive in the digital wasteland

    Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information

    This is a piece I wrote outlining some (mostly nontechnical) thoughts about the future of tech, the ongoing internet apocalypse, and of course how we can thrive in this digital wasteland. I welcome thoughts and comments of good will from people of good will. As this is a more-than-informed crowd, I figured I'd share it here and let y'all shred it first.

    Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • And hypothetically what would those streaming services be, that we might avoid accidentally involving ourselves with something beyond ToS or the commandments of the crown?

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined

    Five men were convicted for their part in operating Jetflicks, one of the largest illegal streaming services in the U.S., officials said.

    Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined

    This is the energy we need going forward into the second half of the year.

    " Five men were convicted by a federal jury in Las Vegas this week for their part in operating Jetflicks, which officials say was one of the largest illegal streaming services in the U.S.

    Jetflicks, which charged $9.99 per month for the streaming service, generated millions of dollars in subscription revenue and caused “substantial harm to television program copyright owners,” the Justice Department said Thursday."


    The Delusion of Advanced Plastics Recycling The Delusion of “Advanced” Plastic Recycling

    The plastics industry has heralded a type of chemical recycling it claims could replace new shopping bags and candy wrappers with old ones — but not much is being recycled at all, and this method won’t curb the crisis.

    The Delusion of “Advanced” Plastic Recycling

    Turns out even the most "advanced" modes of plastics recycling are bullshit, just as 40+years of plastics recycling efforts before them.


    "I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again"

    An interesting take on the actual role and development of AI and machine learning, and where this godawful cavalcade may be headed.


    Majority of Hispanics Support Mass Deportations Majority of Hispanics now favor mass deportation

    A new poll has found that mass deportation is popular with Hispanics, with 53 percent saying they would support such a program.

    Majority of Hispanics now favor mass deportation

    Start building #community and #mutualaid systems now. It's about to get ugly out there.

    #election2024 #2024election #immigration #immigrants #PresidentialElection2024 #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden


    Atlanta's water system suffers serious breakdown Atlanta remains under state of emergency amid ongoing water troubles | CNN

    Atlanta remains under a state of emergency Monday as it battles disruptions to its water service that first began last week, leaving a swath of a major city under boil water advisories and highlighting the pervasiveness of problems caused by America’s aging infrastructure.

    Y'all might wanna start paying attention to our water systems and how incredibly vulnerable they are. Plan accordingly, as it ain't getting fixed soon!


    Pay attention to Atlanta's "water woes" Atlanta remains under state of emergency amid ongoing water troubles | CNN

    Atlanta remains under a state of emergency Monday as it battles disruptions to its water service that first began last week, leaving a swath of a major city under boil water advisories and highlighting the pervasiveness of problems caused by America’s aging infrastructure.

    Atlanta remains under state of emergency amid ongoing water troubles | CNN

    Y'all might wanna start paying attention to the #water situation in #Atlanta. Our #infrastructure is crumbling and it won't get upgraded anytime soon. Starting making plans now.


    WireShark on Linux Mint?

    Just installed it via package manager and I'm trying to get my brain around it. Anyone out there have any experience or tips for running WireShark on Linux Mint? Thanks so much!


    USA Unprepared for H5N1 Pandemic US "underprepared" for bird flu outbreak, epidemiologists warn

    "The U.S. is underprepared for bird flu because we have not learned our lessons from COVID," a public health policy expert said.

    In short we've learned nothing, done nothing, and will be caught flat again. If you're not ready, get ready, because no one is coming to save you.


    Unites States Unprepared for Bird Flu Pandemic US "underprepared" for bird flu outbreak, epidemiologists warn

    "The U.S. is underprepared for bird flu because we have not learned our lessons from COVID," a public health policy expert said.

    US "underprepared" for bird flu outbreak, epidemiologists warn

    The time to prepare for the next pandemic is now. We may not see a massive health risk to humans per se, but disruptions in our food systems, our supply chains, and our ability to gather in groups may be inbound.

    Just in time for an election!

    0 Latest COVID worry, FLiRT variants, sparks concern about vaccination rates

    While symptoms and severity seem to be about the same as previous COVID strains, the new FLiRT variants appear to be more transmissible.

    Latest COVID worry, FLiRT variants, sparks concern about vaccination rates

    Just in time to add more uncertainty to an already fraught #USelections2024 season, a new and more virulent #COVID19 variant.

    Dollar down says it cross-breeds with #H5N1 and thus brings about the #zombieapocalypse


    Solar Storm Knocks Farms Offline

    Due to a dependence on GPS, large scale farms are now hackable/disruptable.


    Consumers Warned Away from Temu's "Free Money"

    Protip; Ain't nothin' free, nowhere nohow.


    Kessler Syndrome and YOU

    Kessler Syndrome would end space travel and satellite communications for generations. It's worth taking a look at this group and its work.
