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Deliver Us Mars dev lays off entire team due to lack of publishing options, but vows to rebuild the studio
  • This might fall under what you've already mentioned but they also have relations with large publications and streamers.

    There's thousands of games released every year but there's a good chance you can only name less than 30 of them. We often underestimate the power of big marketing.

  • My phone is just one big shitpost
  • My dad was complaining how the younger generation doesn't answer their phone anymore and I had to explain it's all scam calls now and it's his generation that keeps the scammers in business

  • Watch Dogs Series is Dead and Buried, It's Claimed
  • Ubi also needs to just kill Beyond Good and Evil 2 at this point. There's no way anything good can come from a project with 17 years of development and nothing really to show for it.

  • New streaming services give you the same convenience you had in the 90s
  • For the rewatch, on Plex you can build playlists and shuffle them. I do this for my kids, one wants Bluey and the other wants Peppa pig. I let the random gods decide what comes on next.

  • Is the body of Christ gluten free? Asking for a friend.
  • Speaking as someone who grew up in an Irish Catholic house it still blows my mind a huge building full of people went up and drank out of the same cup.

    Did this all change after covid?

  • we live in an explosion
  • The goal posts and yard lines were all just decorative. People would come from miles away to sit and watch the field for 2 or 3 hours. Girls would do flips and shake pom-poms to encourage the grass to grow. Luckily the time traveler brought their egg ball with them and figured out something to do in these fields.

  • It doesn't exist once you step out of the shower
  • I've got a Google mini in the bathroom so I can listen to a podcast while I shower. The side benefit to this is I can yell out to get it to add shampoo to the grocery list

  • [OC] Shipwreck of Hephaestus

    We were traveling through Malta in 2018 when I came across this. According to the locals it had crashed up on shore about a month prior. They didn't know what to do so they tied it off until they could come up with a solution. My personal favorite of the photos I took. The two guys below were exploring the ship. Thought it would ruin the shot but it ended up adding some good scale.

    How well does the raspberry pi handle being a moonlight client

    I'm thinking about moving my PC out to the living room and streaming back to my office when I need to. I've used a number of moonlight clients with mixed results.

    Apple TV and Xbox Series X, terrible with massive lag.

    Android with Nvidia shield pro or Chromecast with Google TV, not bad but not amazing,

    MacOS client on MacBook pro and Google pixel 6 pro over wifi 6, perfect feels like it's on the same machine.

    Before I go through all the effort of setting up the Raspberry Pi 4 just wondering if anyone has any first hand experience on the quality of the stream

    Is there an easy way to stream full bluray disc rips with menus and features over the network to my TV

    Most of my collection is just the movie rips of just the video that play fine in Plex or Jellyfin. I've got a couple of full disc rips though that have the menus and features and all just like you would if you put the disc in. I can open these in VLC on my computer by choosing the folder.

    My living room setup is an Apple TV as the primary streaming device but I also have an Nvidia Shield pro and Google TV Chromecast.

    Is there any way to stream these over the network into some kind of app on any of these devices?


    After some looking around Kodi might be able to do what I want. Going to investigate further.

    EDIT 2

    The Kodi repo with the required addon (HEVC kodi bluray addon) seems to be down, maybe permanently :/ Still looking for a solution

    I'm at a roulette table. I only bet on red. When I lose I triple my bet, when I win I restart. Is this a roulette strategy?

    Ok so here's the rules

    • I just bet on red every time
    • I start with 1 dollar
    • every time I lose, I triple my previous bet
    • every time I win I restart

    I'm going to simulate 10 games

    • Game 1 - Bet $1 Lose
    • Game 2 - Bet $3 Lose
    • Game 3 - Bet $9 Win $18
    • Game 4 - Bet $1 Lose
    • Game 5 - Bet $3 Lose
    • Game 6 - Bet $9 Win $18
    • Game 7 - Bet $1 Lose
    • Game 8 - Bet $3 Lose
    • Game 9 - Bet $9 Lose
    • Game 10 - Bet $18 Win $36

    In this simulation I'm losing at a rate of 70%. In reality the lose rate is closer to 52%. I put in $54 but I'm walking away with $72, basically leaving the building with $18.

    Another example. Let's pretend I walk in with $100,000 to bet with. I lose my first 10 games and win the 11th.

    • 1 lose
    • 3 lose
    • 9 lose
    • 27 lose
    • 81 lose
    • 243 lose
    • 729 lose
    • 2187 lose
    • 6561 lose
    • 19683 lose
    • 59049 win $118098

    $88573 spent out of pocket, $118098 won

    Walk out with roughly $29525.

    I get most casinos won't let you be that high but it's a pretty extreme example anyway, the likelyhood of losing 10/11 games on 48% odds is really unlikely.

    So help me out here, what am I missing?

    LPT: If you're ever in a conversation circle at a social function, keep an eye out for people trying to get in and get them up to speed

    This feels like a common courtesy I don't see enough, particularly the second point. In a conversation circle, always try to keep your side vision open to people trying to find their way in. It can be awkward to try and find your own way in so giving them a spot tells them they're included then drop a quick brief on the conversation "We're talking about pineapples on pizza, good or bad" gives them context to jump in immediately.

    Game recommendations: Passive / Turn Based + Portrait Orientation + No IAP (or at least minimally invasive)

    I'm looking for some game recommendations. I feel like a ton of these games exist but they're riddled with IAP. I don't mind paying a little to buy the game. I have the play pass but so many of these games are active involvement and landscape orientation. I like to have an extra hand free and landscape requires both hands on. But really want passive engagement. Like as soon as I stop playing the game is waiting for me. Example games:


    Magnet Balls

    Free Cell


    Card Thief

    Knights of Pen and Paper

    Games like Slay the Spire (but portrait). Although I've never really found a Slay the Spire-like that didn't feel like a watered down version of STS

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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