• 273 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • The spell specifies you turn into gray dust. Unfortunately gray dust has no listed stat block.

    Luckily it is mentioned in “Tales from the Yawning Portal”, “The floor of this room is covered with a layer of fine gray dust and ash, three inches deep.”

    Based on the rest of the description you are restricted to the room in which you turned to dust and the only action you may take is casting " Minor Illusion", with the added restriction of all illusions must be humanoid.

  • I am not at all presupposing that Republicans are more informed. In fact anyone swayed by endorsements is likely less informed overall.

    My focus is on Republicans who can not vote for Trump and are likely to either sit out the vote or suck it up and vote for Trump anyway. Seeing other members of their in group endorse Harris gives these people the justification to also vote for Harris. These endorsements are easily digestible headlines, I’m certain people do see them no matter how removed from politics they are.

    Now a potential Harris voter, who doesn’t like Regan, seeing these endorsements and then concluding both parties are the same and not voting for Harris just doesn’t add up. If you don’t like Regan it’s not for some superficial “he’s a Republican” reason. Go watch any Regan speech, ignore the substance, he’s a likable guy. If you don’t like Regan it’s because of policy. If we’re talking policy then endorsements don’t matter at all. Harris has policy X. Republicans endorse Harris. Harris still has policy X. Who gives a shit who endorsed Harris.

    Endorsements aren’t for everyone. I think they convince low information voters. I think Republicans endorsing Harris helps.

  • I’m telling you, with first hand experience, that they do.

    And again, no, an endorsement alone isn’t ever going to convince me. There are multiple things that can convince people.

    Some people are going to stick with what they’ve always stuck with.

    Some people are going to focus on personality, “Have a beer with” .

    Some are going to look at policy.

    And of course no one is simple, so it’s usually a combination of the above.

    But those Republicans who have always voted Republican, who finally see Trump for what he is, are looking for an alternative. They’re not risk takers. They aren’t just going to vote Harris if they’ve decided they can’t vote Trump. If however they see others from their crowd do it, they are likely to follow along.

  • It’s not a contradiction, it’s a focus on Republicans.

    I’m saying that endorsements like these convince Republican voters to vote for Harris.

    For those who think there is no difference between the parties it may be less helpful. However if you’re truly standing in the middle, watching one side cross over to the other and only ever one side crossing over to the other, that should give you an idea of at least which way to start looking.

    Of course I understand the cynic who just says everyone is just flip flopping around. For those folks endorsements aren’t the argument to make. Republicans voting for Democrats means they must be the same. In these cases it’s better to focus on policy or the individual. If I were an undecided voters who endorsed who wouldn’t sway me. Show me the policies, that’s what I’m looking for.

  • I do.

    I know people who voted for Trump because they’ve always voted Republican. Republican is their team, so they voted Republican. They assume Trump, as a Republican, will continue with standard Republican policies (which is generally true). They don’t like him as a person but just don’t pay too much attention to it.

    If you mostly ignore Trump and just think of him as a generic Republican it makes sense. I was planning on voting for Biden before he dropped out because Democratic policy is generally what I’m voting for. Biden dropping out and Harris stepping in doesn’t really change my voting plan. I’m still voting Democrat, I’m still voting Harris. Is Harris my favorite choice? No. Is the Democratic platform my perfect platform? No. But is it the best choice given the options? Absolutely. (And I don’t say that as horribly negative thing, there are A LOT of positives from Harris/Democrats and I’m glad/excited to vote for her.)

    BUT we know Trump isn’t a generic Republican and people can’t ignore EVERYTHING he’s done. Jan 6 being a big one. If you’re a Republican voter now you’re stuck. You can’t vote for Trump. But you want to vote Republican.

    You’re a generic Republican voter. You see Bush admins, Regan admins, Cheney all say they’re voting for Harris. You voted for them previously. That gives you the opening to vote for Harris. That helps.

  • If I recall correctly it sets itself up as a hotspot (no Internet access) and your phone connects to it to set it up. It may use Bluetooth, but that could also be a different version.

    AFAIK the Google Home app is required to set it up, but once set up you can remove/uninstall the app.

    In terms of being on your network it will broadcast itself as available on your network.

    It also does auto-update, so it will expect Internet access. (It also periodically checks for Internet access.)

  • In some ways the Board being the same is a good thing, since it means they remember that they can’t try to pull this shit again.

    Of course it also means they had (or supported) the stupid idea, so they’ll probably try to pull something similar again.

    Really no matter what it means keep an extra eye on Unity. When it comes time to evaluate engines this incident should always show up on the con side.

  • I’ll give you the drop in quality, I think the quick churn has resulted in lower quality films and TV shows.

    However the multiverse? Alternate universes? Time travel? Despite the name this phase has barely touched on it.

    Let’s start with the films,

    • Black Widow? No multiverse, just a story that took place in the past.
    • Shang-Chi? No multiverse. Maybe a cliffhanger for one, but could just be space stuff.
    • Eternals? No multiverse. Just space stuff.
    • Spider-Man No Way Home? Full multiverse. People love this film.
    • Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness. Full multiverse. Again, people love this film.
    • Thor Love and Thunder? No multiverse. Space and gods.
    • Black Panther Wakanda Forever? No multiverse.
    • Ant-Man Quantumania? Technically not multiverse, but full Kang so I’ll count it. Now we have a film with issues. But also, are we already prepping to ditch Kang at this point? Might explain the issues.
    • Guardians Volume 3? Deals with Gamora, a little multiverse. But in general film is well liked, Gamora isn’t ever the issue.
    • The Marvels? No multiverse during the film, but ends with a setup for one. People are excited for mutants anyway.
    • Deadpool? Full multiverse. Again, loved.

    So out of 11 films we have 4 Multiverse films, and apart from Ant-Man we’re all big fans of them. It you want to argue Doctor Strange also has issues, fine, but it still comes out to a decent enough film.

    Now let’s look at TV,

    • WandaVision? Not multiverse. It does tease us as an audience about it and the post credits will eventually lead into the multiverse, but hard to call this one of them. Plus, well loved.
    • Falcon & Winter Soldier? No multiverse.
    • Loki? Both seasons. Full multiverse. I really enjoyed this. I’ve heard some folks didn’t. Again we’re walking past Kang issues by season 2, so difficult to say if this went as intended.
    • What If…? Both seasons. Full multiverse. Again I had fun. Some good episodes. Some weaker episodes. But also a show that exists outside of everything else.
    • Hawkeye? No multiverse.
    • Moon Knight? No multiverse.
    • Ms. Marvel? A little multiverse,a little time travel. The issue here is that the villain/ending is rushed.
    • She-Hulk? No multiverse.
    • Werewolf by night? Not multiverse.
    • Guardians Special? Not multiverse.
    • Secret Invasion. Not multiverse. Hopefully someday not canon. Ouch, but the issue isn’t the multiverse.
    • Echo? Not multiverse.
    • X-men 97? Multiverse and a bunch of stuff. Generally well received.

    13 shows, 11 if you want to exclude the specials, back up to 13 if you want to count season 2 of shows.

    Less than half however you want to count it. What If… is a variety show, X-Men is a continuation. Loki is the real focus here since it has the Kang story. Ms Marvel is setting up Mutants.

    So when we look at it all we have,

    1. The Kang Arc, Loki season 1 sets up strongly for, Ant-Man is the first film for it and for some reason (Hint: Kang actor) finishes it, and then Loki season 2 confirms it.
    2. Doctor Strange Arc, Spider-Man & Madness get him exploring, with a setup to do more (it’s odd to me we don’t have this next film yet either)
    3. And to be generous, the Mutant Arc, which is really just the Ms. Marvel and Marvels setup.

    We’ve barely touched on the multiverse. You can call them narrative cop outs, but they haven’t even done it. The issue isn’t the multiverse. The issue is the weak stories.

    And we can’t just say that the multiverse doesn’t have good stories. Most of the MCU films that have multiverse in them are really enjoyable. Maybe we’re just tired of the multiverse? Not a chance. You know what film I’m looking forward to the most? Spider-Man Spider-verse! That’s a great story.

    However, at this point, it’s clear Marvel is moving on from the Multiverse and into mutants. Honestly , that’s fine and probably for the best. I’m disappointed, not that we’re moving on, but that this era had such a bad run. Luckily the Disney CEO behind it is gone, so hopefully things will improve going forward.