• 2 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月2日


  • Oliver Wendell Holmes, supposedly:

    ‘I once inhaled a pretty full dose of ether, with the determination to put on record, at the earliest moment of regaining consciousness, the thought I should find uppermost in my mind. The mighty music of the triumphal march into nothingness reverberated through my brain, and filled me with a sense of infinite possibilities, which made me an archangel for the moment. The veil of eternity was lifted. The one great truth which underlies all human experience, and is the key to all the mysteries that philosophy has sought in vain to solve, flashed upon me in a sudden revelation. Henceforth all was clear: a few words had lifted my intelligence to the level of the knowledge of the cherubim. As my natural condition returned, I remembered my resolution; and, staggering to my desk, I wrote, in ill-shaped, straggling characters, the all-embracing truth still glimmering in my consciousness. The words were these (children may smile; the wise will ponder): “A strong smell of turpentine prevails throughout.”’

  • Yuuuup.

    Fiend warlock player did not like learning how I used his minor backstory. (He actually loved it.)

    He knew he needed to save a tree. He didn’t know he was the one to burn it, nor that he did so because it was a source of power to his mother, who was a night hag.

    So much fun.

    He saved the tree and even managed to change his Patron, but is too scared to confront his mother again.

  • I’m a big guy. Tall, fat, boisterous, strong, opinionated, and outgoing. I love watching people, giving compliments, and delivering a solid joke. I make an impression on people whether I realize it or not. I’m too big to hide so I’ve chosen not to.

    But I’m also an introverted hermit, so I almost never get to be that guy unless I’ve pushed myself to be out and among people.

  • D&D 5e game:I have two planets orbiting each other.

    1200 years ago it was just a moon, then somehow the moon fell and almost ended the world.

    But the next day there was a moon again.

    Really it’s another version of the same world from a parallel timeline. The act of summoning it led the powers that be to seal the system in a bubble plane to keep the chaos from spreading.

    The wizard who did it fell in love with himself from another timeline. The BBEG is two liches who are each other’s phylactery. If both cannot be defeated before the first revives, there is no way to stop them.

    Such a tragic story, to do that much for love and then only be vulnerable when you’re near your love.

    Their name is Zeitounessian, and I have a party on each world trying to stop him.

    Neither party has yet determined that there are two of him.

  • There’s a Douglas Hofstadter book, Le Ton Beau de Marot, which is all about the art of translation. Specifically one poem by Marot, translated over and over again.

    In the book, he convincingly makes the case that translation always has choices that must be made, and in translating a poem, choices must be made about which parts of the original must be held strictly to and which are open to interpretation. Rhyme, meter, structure, tone, etc.

    It’s a fascinating book, really.

    So is the art the product or the intentional process? That’s the core question here.

    Because computers can and do translate, and there are choices made along the way.

    Are those choices made? Are they made with intent?

    And if they are, does that intent qualify as artistic?

    It’s a neat question and not easily discarded.

    We had a similar issue a few years back. Who owns a macaque’s photography? Are they the artist, or the person who gave them a camera?