Hi! I’m checking out kbin. I’m also on Mastodon @rmiddleton and Calckey @rmiddleton bc I’m a FediFanatic! I’m a humanist, a writer, and an abstract painter. I’m committed to personal growth, mental wellness, promoting equality & fighting fascism in my home state of Florida.
👤: Rob, he/him, neurodivergent, cis 🏳️‍🌈

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’m still learning good communities for me so I clicked for suggestions for myself. Came to talk about different types of posts. When I saw your title I knew I’d want to read the whole discussion. Some posts are like that, and those are the ones I want to spend time on because every response contributes. Some posts are a practical question with a narrow set of answers. If it’s not a question I share, and it it already has several responses, there’s probably no point in me contributing. Some posts are open minded discussions where it’s so interesting to absorb the views that others share, and maybe join in. Some posts are fights. Those aren’t worth participating in.

    I’m sure I’m leaving a lot out. And maybe others don’t make these calculations at all. I just happened to notice, as I was scrolling topics, the criteria I use for deciding whether or not to click and read.

    Anyone else have these thoughts? Or disagree?

  • I felt highly agitated when I first learned of this plan but then I got more information and I calmed down a bit. From what I’ve read if this justice is removed the governor, a Democrat, would be entitled to appoint a replacement—possibly the same removed justice. Or someone else liberal & the removed justice could run again. There’s a way the Republicans could try more fuckery by the state house impeaching and the state senate refusing to hold a trial, because the state law says that an impeached official is barred from serving until the trial results in removal or acquittal. So GOP could try to say that once impeached the justice cannot serve, but delay the trial in the senate to avoid the governor appointing a replacement. Sigh this is so long! So anyway that’s a very narrow route to guaranteeing they get the result they want & obviously it bumps up against the article excerpts above, that voters would be angered and some GOP legislators are in unsafe districts. And finally if they did do that convoluted process to sideline a justice but delay the governor being able to appoint a successor I think the governor could very well rightfully interpret the situation as a vacancy on the court and appoint anyway. Which would of course probably go to court!


    I think all factors considered the situation in Wisconsin is not completely bleak.

    Now the US Supreme Court, on the other hand, is a horrific tragedy.

  • I almost hate to say it because of the user base here, but I was wondering if I could block or hide certain terms as I can on Mastodon. I’m tired of seeing so much about Reddit. Some of it’s fun and interesting schadenfreude but it also feels to me a bit like obsessing over an ex. Healthier for me to stop caring.

  • To get a compliment out of the way first, your basic guide to using markdown in WriteFreely is superb. I plan to make it my go-to reference.

    I also see that your blog is an offshoot of a queer publishing group. Love everything about what you’re doing. I embrace the sincerity in your questions, and on the blog. I am sitting 14,000 km away from you, feeling similar feelings.

    If you will indulge, I have no answers but wish to express my own questions:

    • What is worth doing?
    • What is worth sharing?
    • I have limited time and energy. Is a response necessary to provide reward for an action?
      Applies to art and non-art. Today I cleaned. Yesterday I did not. Does that make today better than yesterday? Does that make me a better person today than I was yesterday? Is existence enough?

    I often jump from one thought to another like that, and see everything as linked. The links between art, existence, worthiness — how I evaluate myself; if & how I choose to present myself, shared with others; and the role the responses (or lack of responses) by others play in the value of what I do, who I am.

    I am a 51 year old, white, queer, US American cis man, identifying as an artist for 30 years. Since 2020 I gave up “outside work” and spend my time reading, researching, thinking, writing, and making art. I do not make a living — that alone is sufficient evidence that I am not doing enough, not doing the right thing, not proving that my existence has value… at least according to a particular point of view. Rejecting that point of view is part of the mental work I am doing to accept myself and all others as worthy by virtue of being living humans on this shared Earth.

    I do not offer answers. I have endless questions.
    I wish you well.

    P.S. On community & being found: I am using Kbin right now. I am also enjoying the Fediverse via Mastodon, Pixelfed, Firefish, Funkwhale, and WriteFreely. I found your post by searching Kbin for “WriteFreely”. I have a blog on Paper.wf that is not permitting any posting at the moment. I came here in hopes of finding answers, or a Paper.wf community or WriteFreely community. Yet another example of the difficulty of being found and finding connections is that these Fediverse offerings are truly wonderful assortments of largely lovely people — and they pale in numbers compared to those other awful places that I am used to. It is difficult for me to find meaningful input from more than a handful of people anywhere on the Fediverse. I am working on it. I believe what I want/need is not easy to find, on- or offline. In any case, I did not find any explanation for why my WriteFreely instance Paper.wf is not working. Instead I found your authentic expression of hope for connection. I suppose I wrote this response instead of writing in my blog (that no one sees 😛). I hope that Paper.wf resumes functioning some day. In the meantime, even when the Fediverse has technical flaws or I am not making many connections, I still feel happier and healthier here than in other online options.

  • Since you mentioned “boring” — Probably the most out of step thing about me is that I think boredom is healthy. I think constantly stimulating stories (and consumption habits, relationships, news…) are interfering with the hard, slow work of sustainable existence. (I just realized I’m almost quoting Dr. Wong! Sorry lol)

    I crave entertainment and distraction. And I admit my huge flaw of falling into a lecturing tone. Sigh. I don’t mean it. I only want to control me. It’s just that for most of my life I’ve been pretty unhappy and dysfunctional & I see links between my past state and a desire for escape and constant entertainment. Is this still about kissing in movies? Maybe. We are just sharing opinions on the internet. Getting feelings out is good.

    Gonna go watch Andy Warhol’s “Sleep” now…

  • I’m not currently using RSS, it’s been years. And yes I also felt overwhelmed. I have same problem with Podcasts on my iPhone and honestly email. Just like in most cases I don’t want to be pushed content. My brain feels bad for not keeping up. The best use of RSS that I can imagine for me would be following a small number of original content creators who post erratically in multiple platforms. It’s another reason I love the fediverse so much bc we can slap /feed on the end of many addresses to pull that content elsewhere. And again I’m not currently using RSS lol. I’m just saying that I might use it for passionate follows. I think it’s a useful tool for getting people free of the big bad platforms.