Fight back. If you are contemplating the fear of death from climate change, then the courage to fight those responsible should seem like a relativity small hill to climb.
Fight back. If you are contemplating the fear of death from climate change, then the courage to fight those responsible should seem like a relativity small hill to climb.
This seems like some cherry picked bulshit. I’m an ecologist and a parent and i do not lie to my kid, nor do any of the other parents i know wotking in the natural sciences. Truth is best, the world is falling apart because of a handful of powerful people can’t stomach the extremely viable solutions. We are at war, if you see it or not, and not preparing your kids is negligence.
Still figuring this platform out so hopefully this comment works.
Think of a comissioned painting. The artist is paid fairly once for that painting and then they never get money for it again. Copyright doesn’t protect them so much as it protects those that can use their excess capital to horde things. Art has been around forever, copyright is new. Bands that make great music will be paid to perform, actors paid on set, writers as comission or sallaried. None of this needs copyright. Hell, the rise in free community/patron sponsored content like khan academy, most podcasts, and even some music artists proves we don’t need copyright even in a system where it exists.
This sounds like a response from a LLM
I am betting it is a friend from the Elasmobranchii, but will be interesting to see.