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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2024


  • The people that call themselves Christians in USA have never read the Bibel and blindly follow some guys that milk them for money with hate on random things.

    Anti Abortion isn’t pro life its literally the opposite, it disregards the needs and problems of a fully developed human, many people get abortions for high risk pregnancies, meaning there is a serious probability of the mother dieing or the fetus becoming a stillborn and cause medical problems of way greater impact. Since the “pro life” people are usually also against affordable Healthcare, they are just like satan, hypocrites and will go to hell for that and for assuming they are allowed to decide what God wants or not. When the all mighty God wouldn’t want woman to have Healthcare he would have not made us invent it.

    Shame on you!

  • As you can see, the actual numbers say biden didn’t spend much more than trump, and during a global crisis that is normal

    Here you can see that biden, in difference to trump actually increased the number of employed people.

    And here you can see the inflation curve, this curve is majorly influenced by Russias war in Ukraine and Chinese covid 19, the fact that inflation is falling again is due to significant economic investments done by biden to fight the consequences of trumps incompetence and global problems.

    I’ve literally studied Economics and Business informatics with a masters degree. I know what im talking about, in difference to you.

  • Bro you need some serious education on economics, what biden did basically saved the ass of the US economy. Trump fucked it up with his populist politics that had no basis. Biden did the exactly right thing what a government needs to do. Governments should save money for bad times and then spend that for projects that help the economy and people get through bad times, a country isn’t a company that needs to be profitable. It seems like you really lack proper education regarding economics, id recommend you to read a book about it, its a interesting topic that is very helpful in life.

  • It sounds like you make shit up and like you are stuck with your head up your ass and are not interested in actual politics. Or you fell for Russian propaganda wich is meant to split societies in the western world. Imagine thinking that affordable education is a bad thing and that affordable housing is the downfall of humanity… Like bro, inflation fucked young people super hard and conservatives should be interested in keeping wealth of a nation equal to what ot was, statistically the actual wealth of USA is on the fall, its literally just the top 1% that get richer, everyone else gets more and more impoverished. Socioeconomic problems are actually there and need to be solved. Not wanting to solve them out of spite is the worst form of mental illness i can imagine.