• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I actually read your article, and I wholly disagree.

    Facts matter, truth matters and without the A students we would be even further down the road to Idiocracy, which ofc looks more like a future-documentary every day.

    Your brand of “it’s all stupid, so join the stupid train” seems designed to appeal to people who want to be stupid. Or you could call yourself ignorant, if you prefer.

    In any case, the anti-intellect position that you promote may have a basis in reality (headline hippos) but it is far from a positive contribution.

    You can do better.

  • As an army veteran, I have always found the naming of military facilities for shitty racist losers to be blatant pandering and a poor consolation prize to the wounded sensibilities of ‘the lost cause’ etc

    There was nothing noble about any of that shit, it was 100% about slavery and to be fair, more or less the entire country had been implicitly or explicitly involved in the practice from colonial times.

    So perhaps the consolation prizes and TYFYS-ism of it all was warranted for a period. But that period is well over by now.

  • I think Signal shot themselves squarely in the dick by removing SMS functionality.

    Previously, you could use Signal as the primary SMS/messenger app. Any conversations with other Signal clients secure. Conversations in SMS/MMS? Marked as not-secure.

    But, out of some purity concerns, SMS functionality was removed and the dev team focused on adding useless shit like “stickers” and then the pin-code harassment.

    Signal adoption plummeted as intended (?)