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I'm just this guy, you know?

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Putin says he will re-deploy troops along Finland border in response to NATO accession
  • A small part of me wants him to try something just so we can unleash the Poles and Finns on Russia.

  • No thanks China!
  • It would be a lot better if Congress could pass a comprehensive privacy bill, but we lack a functioning government so I guess this is the best we can do.

    Greatest democracy in the world, right here.

  • No thanks China!
  • So it's only okay for them to suppress democracy and increase polarization if they use American platforms? Because that's already happening.

  • No thanks China!
  • Yeah because Facebook totally doesn't do that.

  • Henry Cavill Is Playing Wolverine In Deadpool 3 | Giant Freaking Robot
  • Camera angles and apple boxes can fix that. I bet they can just shrink him digitally.

    Also, Henry Cavill is three inches taller than Jared Keeso: 6'1" (185 cm) vs. 5'10" (177 cm). Hugh Jackman is 6'3" (190 cm).

    So since they're shrinking the actor two inches per movie maybe they'll pick Jared next.

  • Thank you American software
  • Yeah, if China wants the data of Americans they should buy it from American companies, not harvest it themselves.

    They're not mad about leaking data, they're mad that China is drinking their milkshake.

  • Henry Cavill Is Playing Wolverine In Deadpool 3 | Giant Freaking Robot
  • He'd make an amazing Wolverine, though. And since Wolverine is canonically Canadian it would be more accurate.

    In my perfect Wolverine movie, Keeso would be the lead and Jacob Tierney would direct.

  • Where Heat Pumps Win — And Where They Lose | Five findings from an extremely thorough study by the US National Renewable Energy Lab.
  • My water heater is in an unheated basement closet, so technically most of the energy it's getting is geothermal since the walls are always at 50 degrees. It would probably be even more efficient if

    Also, since the water heater is inside the house and is constantly leaking heat, it's not really cooling the house very much at all because the heat is still inside, just in an insulated bottle.

  • What is your favorite alcoholic cocktail?
  • My catnip and mint grow next to each other and I harvested some by mistake, then got curious about what it would taste like.

  • Where Heat Pumps Win — And Where They Lose | Five findings from an extremely thorough study by the US National Renewable Energy Lab.
  • This is why I supplement my heat pump with a wood stove in the winter. In a real pinch I can heat my house with furniture.

  • Where Heat Pumps Win — And Where They Lose | Five findings from an extremely thorough study by the US National Renewable Energy Lab.
  • The best part about my heat pump water heater is I have a massive "refrigerator" in my house. It keeps the room it's in about 45°F year round, which is great for storing wine and root vegetables, and storing beverages in there means they get cold in the fridge a lot faster.

  • What is your favorite alcoholic cocktail?
  • I normally like my liquor with just a splash of water, but I do make a mean mojito. The secret, which I discovered by accident, is adding a bit of catnip along with the mint. It has a smoother minty flavor which compliments the lime juice really well

    Also, catnip tea is commonly used to help people sleep, so you get nice and relaxed without drinking too much.

  • Where Heat Pumps Win — And Where They Lose | Five findings from an extremely thorough study by the US National Renewable Energy Lab.
  • That sounds both like you've had a stroke and that you want one compressor to do three jobs, which is stupid because they all need to be different sizes.

  • Where Heat Pumps Win — And Where They Lose | Five findings from an extremely thorough study by the US National Renewable Energy Lab.
  • My heat pump does fine at 0F. And has done since the late 80s. And if it can’t it has electric backup heat.

  • Where Heat Pumps Win — And Where They Lose | Five findings from an extremely thorough study by the US National Renewable Energy Lab.
  • The house I live in has had a heat pump since there were laserdiscs. They’re not new, they’re just air conditioners running backward.

  • Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies
  • They're trying really hard to get me to never buy a car again.

  • Yes, heat pumps slash emissions even if powered by a dirty grid | Installing a heat pump now is better for the climate, even on U.S. electricity generated mostly by fossil fuels. Here’s why
  • He mentions that his parents live in a single family home in the same area and get along fine with heat pump.

    Plus, from personal experience, the heat pump in my SFH only started needing emergency heat when the 20 year old compressor started to go, and since I've replaced it I've never had to use the emergency coils. I do have a fire in the fireplace on very cold nights, but that's mainly to alleviate strain on the grid.

  • Phones with actual keyboards
  • Is this some QWERTY thing I'm just too T9 to understand?

  • Life Pro Tips Semi-Hemi-Demigod

    LPT - Turn down the flow rate to your toilet to keep your showers from being too hot

    My house has the toilet and shower branching from the same cold water line. This means that whenever the toilet flushes, it uses a lot of cold water and the shower gets too hot.

    To solve this I found the valve for the toilet and closed it just enough to fill the toilet without making a weird noise. This reduces the amount of water the toilet uses when filling, which means the shower doesn't get super hot.

    Because of how toilets work, flush performance is unaffected, and my showers are now a lot less perilous. I'm a little ashamed it took me so long to figure this out, but it works so I thought I'd share it.


    How do you treat a cold?

    I have an actual cold for the first time in about four years. What are some of your favorite remedies?


    Rock Bird

    Bird rocking\*This is not my video, I found it on a webpage, and re-uploaded it. Credit goes to the original creator.

    Windows Semi-Hemi-Demigod

    Linux guy here: How the heck do you automate the deployment of Windows servers?

    Greetings from the other side! I'm working on improving my Windows knowledge, and I'd like to replicate something I can do in Linux with Windows servers: Spinning up an EC2 instance and installing and configuring MySQL.

    I haven't been able to find any way to automate this down to one command. What I'm trying to avoid is spending a lot of time rebuilding my environment while I'm testing things out.

    If anybody has some batch files (I think that's what you call shell scripts here) or tips I'd appreciate it.

    Trailer Park Boys Semi-Hemi-Demigod

    John Dunsworth being extra wholesome teaching you how to build with concrete

    You're invited to John Dunsworth's house for a bit of how-to and a little show-and-tell.Visit to have a look at some CD's of stories Da...


    This is what the Smoking GNU look like in my head
