• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Worst book because of bad book was when I had to read and watch Tristan and Isolde for a school project. It was so bad with SO brain dead characters, but at least it was quick.

    The worst book because of the experience however was the full version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. We know interrupt the story to spend 10 pages talking about the special meaning of a throw away line said by Frollo. 5 pages of story later, and we know interrupte the story to spend 20 pages detailing Parisian roof tops to the minutest of details.

  • Is it one of those click all pictures that contains a buss/bicycle ones. Because I have noticed that some of them after you have clicked all the relevant pictures will give you more pictures to click but there sometimes is a significant wait before the pictures refresh into the new ones, with no indication that there will be more pictures and if you press compleat before the new pictures load it will fail you.

  • While not a medical show, Criminal Minds a at least used to use a similar thing, especially to demonstrate how Reed was analysing things.

    I think it to be a good way of showing things on TV as having the actor stare on to a whiteboard for 20-30 seconds and then going “I got it” wouldn’t really make good TV. The alternative would be the character coming up with the solution after just a quick glance and that also wouldn’t make good TV.

  • While I can’t really answer your question as I wonder that myself, I have noticed that there exists a surprisingly big amount of people that will just continue buying/pirating and playing games that they generally just hate and games in series that they have hated every game in for over a decade.

    Sims and Pokemon have some of the biggest offenders in this from what I have seen. Like in the Sims 4 community you can see people complain and complain about how much they hate the latest expansion and how much the hate Sims 4 and how they are never playing Sims 4 again. And when the next expansion comes out they are there again same thing, just hate hate hate… but they keep playing.

    Same in the Pokemon community some people haven’t liked a singel game in the franchise sense the 90’s but they keep playing and keep complaining over and over again with every new update.

    This is such a wierd concept to me, why do you keep spending time and money on something that you dislike so much. Like I get buying a game and not like it and being disappointed it it, that’slife sometimes, but I really don’t get buying/playing every game in a franchise or every expansion when you haven’t liked it for years.