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AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data
  • We find that indiscriminate use of model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects in the resulting models, in which tails of the original content distribution disappear. We refer to this effect as ‘model collapse’ and show that it can occur in LLMs as well as in variational autoencoders (VAEs) and Gaussian mixture models (GMMs).

    So, maybe this is the end of LLM companies simply scraping the web, because they will be unable to distinguish between LLM and non-LLM content. If someone would have made a snapshot of the complete web in 2020, and waits to sell it until 2030, the person may just become the richest person on earth.

  • Fan-made PS2 advert by Shy Smith
  • Is this the reason you are playing?

  • In push for more Ukraine troops, city of Moscow hikes pay for contract soldiers to $60,000 a year
  • Maybe they just print the money. Isn't that what dictatorships often end up doing?

  • Those inconvenient details left out
  • Including Tiananmen Square of course

    (this is not meant seriously, but as a very dark joke)

  • Why don't photos like this ever trend?
  • It's not a photo, it's an AI-generated image. Also, it is not clear if it is serious or a joke. Looks more serious to me.

  • Candidate Karen Trump is pissed...
  • If he had 100M followers and there are 20k accounts, that'd be 0.02%.

  • Sell us on your favorite exotic/niche distro
  • It's very good for servers. I wouldn't use it on desktop.

  • Sell us on your favorite exotic/niche distro
  • Not niche, but surely exotic: NixOS, a distribution that is configured via a purely functional language. There is no such thing as installing or uninstalling packages, you add or remove things from your configuration and then simply apply that configuration.

  • [UPDATE] Should I start a community about Analog Horror? [LINK INSIDE]
  • !

    The instance seems to be down right now.

    But anyways, just do it. There are no issues having multiple communities about the same on Lemmy.

  • Hot Spring Power
  • That's very interesting, thanks!

  • Are slaves able to upgrade their stratum?

    I'm playing without DLCs, just the current version of the base game.

    I have some slave population which are all at the bronze stratum. And some jobs of silver stratum that are free. However, none of the slave pops is upgrading from bronze to silver stratum. Is this somehow impossible? The slaves are from various enemy species, capable of FTL.

    Broken wind turbine blade, nearly the length of a football field, settles on ocean floor off Nantucket, officials say
  • Well, I wonder if you could cut yourself when stepping into fiberglass chunks?

    But yeah, since the material is most likely inert, it will probably at most be used as a sort of artificial reef by wild life. For the foam, that's probably also inert. But it likely swims on the surface, so has the same effect as plastic in the great Pacific garbage patch.

  • Broken wind turbine blade, nearly the length of a football field, settles on ocean floor off Nantucket, officials say
  • I read the article and didn't find any hints at actual issues caused by this, only that the beach was closed.

  • Broken wind turbine blade, nearly the length of a football field, settles on ocean floor off Nantucket, officials say
  • Do the components that broke off pose any danger to the environment or humans?

  • online poker like
  • You mean poker without real money? Because there are a lot of gambling sites, I would believe that some of them also offer poker. But please, there are better things to do with your money. You could donate it for example.

  • A Cool Guide to mattress sizes
  • Is there a metric version?

  • lets push updates on a Friday, surely nothing could go wrong
  • Also, half the team must be on summer vacation

  • Friday Facts #420 - Fusion Reactor Friday Facts #420 - Fusion Reactor | Factorio

    Hello, I'm sure you're familiar with the good old Nuclear reactor. It's a fission reactor that makes a lot of power in conjunction with its steam turbines. The nuclear energy system is unlocked on Nauvis, and in the context of Space Age, that makes it an early-to-mid game unlock. For the pla...


    Is perchance open source and can be self-hosted?

    What fresh hell is this?
  • True. In the end, they are gonna use some statistical methods to find what is more true. Using also all the other data they have about you.

  • 'Thousands' of jellyfish wash up on Devon beach in stunning footage
  • While it's not uncommon for marine life to wash up on the shores of Devon, beachgoers should be mindful that some can deliver a painful sting.

  • What fresh hell is this?
  • I believe it's about how often the app is used. Advertisers label people with "gullible" and stuff like this, so when you use a calculator regularly, that may be a hint that you are not.

  • How unique are barcodes for groceries?

    Are they usually unique countrywide? Worldwide?


    Friday Facts #419 - Display Panel & Inserter pickup fixes Friday Facts #419 - Display Panel & Inserter pickup fixes | Factorio

    Hello, Welcome to our facts for the week. Sign posts or bulletin boards are a common sight in videos games, probably not far behind the ubiquitous wooden crate or explosive barrel. They are a nice clean understandable way to communicate with the player, and it was something we wanted to see in ...


    What are your favourite DLCs for Stellaris?

    I'm a new player thinking about getting some DLCs from the summer sale. Do you have any recommendations?


    Good self-hosted groceries app?

    Should be easy to use, remember what I bought before and propose things that are probably running out (based on my personal buying frequency), and allow sharing the list between multiple people. Ideally also allow adding recipes for meals that I cook often.


    The Biomic Man - Project Zomboid Blog The Biomic Man - Project Zomboid

    As discussed last time, in the interests of getting the 42 Unstable out of the door we are limiting the number of new craft disciplines that will be initially available and then dripfeeding others (alongside polish, balance etc) in updates to the beta. We have done a bit of a stocktake on what we ha...


    Friday Facts #417 - Space Age development (release date to be announced next week) Friday Facts #417 - Space Age development | Factorio

    Hello, we usually show finished stuff in Friday facts these days, but I personally always liked to have a peek behind the curtains and see the (temporary) mess there. This motivated me to do some kind of overview of how the overall expansion development felt from my perspective. If you are lik...

    Friday Facts #417 - Space Age development | Factorio

    About substructural types for rust


    Friday Facts #416 - Fluids 2.0 Friday Facts #416 - Fluids 2.0 | Factorio

    Hello, Grab your best lube, because it's time to talk about fluids!

    Friday Facts #416 - Fluids 2.0 | Factorio

    Indicators of Global Climate Change: Dashboard and Data Indicators of Global Climate Change, IGCC Initiative Dashboard and Data:

    Annually updated, IPCC AR6 consistent indicators of human-induced global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, and the remaining global carbon budget.

    Indicators of Global Climate Change, IGCC Initiative Dashboard and Data:

    Moderne Alternative zu Kapiland?

    Vielleicht hat von euch auch früher jemand Kapiland gespielt. Das ist ein Browsergame so wie zum Beispiel ogame, Travian oder "Die Stämme". Nur gibt es bei Kapiland keine Kämpfe, stattdessen produziert und handelt man verschiedene Güter.

    Leider wurde das Nutzerinterface von Kapiland seit mindestens 15 Jahren nicht geupdated, und ist insbesondere nicht smartphonegeeignet. Und die Email-Recovery funktioniert auch nicht. Und ich gehe davon aus, dass es kaum noch jemand spielen wird.

    Kennt jemand ein ähnliches Spiel das zumindest auch mit nem mobilen Browser gut spielbar ist? Und in dem vielleicht noch wenigstens hundert Spieler oder so aktiv sind?

    Edit: Habe jetzt mal Sim Companies ausprobiert. Das kommt recht nah dran, und macht bisher Spaß.


    Friday Facts #415 - Fix, Improve, Optimize Friday Facts #415 - Fix, Improve, Optimize | Factorio

    Hello, While a lot of time of 2.0 development has been spent on new features and quality of life, we still take care of the smaller details and technical improvements.

    Friday Facts #415 - Fix, Improve, Optimize | Factorio

    Brexit: Britische Fallschirmjäger müssen zum Jahrestag des D-Day durch den französischen Zoll


    Progress can be seen in all parts of life


    Show off your best creations in our community for AI generated music.

    Take a look at !

    Post and discuss music generated by AI such as


    Issues federating a new community

    I created the community aimusic. However it does not seem to federate to other instances.

    Trying to search it from e.g., or results in nothing. The pages just show errors. Also after a few attempts and using the search function from the respective instances yields nothing.

    Did this happen with any other communities recently? Is this temporary and will resolve itself within the next days, or is there some deeper issue?


    Friday Facts #412 - Undo/Redo improvements & Car Latency driving Friday Facts #412 - Undo/Redo improvements & Car Latency driving | Factorio

    Hello, We have another exciting batch of facts for you today.

    Friday Facts #412 - Undo/Redo improvements & Car Latency driving | Factorio

    Friday Facts #411 - All about asteroids Friday Facts #411 - All about asteroids | Factorio

    Hello! Welcome to Fearghall's Factorio Friday Facts! (FFFF, if you will.) Over the last few months, you have seen asteroids a few times as a background part of some other FFFs, but for all their understated majesty, they were actually quite a complicated trick to pull off! Come with me as I t...

    Friday Facts #411 - All about asteroids | Factorio