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Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian | Depressed

Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don't make them.

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real gs rule
  • Disdain

  • Aint that the truth


    Too many checkmarks


    real gs rule

    Pure magic. TV magic.
  • Lucky is accurate. I'm very jealous. I had a similar experience for a newer show but no moments of that wall being up. Always seeing the workings behind the scenes so you couldn't really sink into it

  • Found time rule
  • Sorry, I was unclear there. I had my wording all fucked up.

    There are two parts to the 'nobody' thing. The first is the word nobody and then the second is the silence after it. It's to denote that no one anywhere had ever thought or heard a particular thing. Then another group comes in as part of the meme and asks that particular question. To turn the meme into a sentence it would be:

    "Not a single living soul in creation had ever expressed this idea but suddenly, one day, a group of Star Trek fans asked something fucked up for the very first time."

    Whether it's fucked up or interesting or whatever is denoted by the general context or feeling that the question/idea gives. In this case it would be fucked up.

  • Found time rule
  • The nobody stands for never thinking nor asking the particular thing that follows

  • Betrayal
  • I was watching some Critical Role recaps and was in the middle of a deeply intense emotional moment. I had to turn away because I was welling up a bit and looked to the second monitor. A single lemmy message. I refresh. It's this.

    I cannot stop laughing at both the absurdity of the moment and the intense hilarity of that comment.

    Bravo. Bra-fucking-vo.

  • Behind the scenes
  • He straight up fucked Tasha Yar. But Brent didn't lol

  • No other way to put it
  • How am I not surprised?

  • No other way to put it
  • It goes one way or the other for me but nothing in between. Either it's better than the others or absolute garbage that falls apart almost immediately. It's a bit of a mindfuck

  • We all know at least one


    No other way to put it


    Behind the scenes


    Top Tips



    Gaming Stamets

    Why are you like this


    It's not wrong




    Absolutely crushing


    Too real


    Found time rule


    Pure magic. TV magic.


    Basic rules

  • Love you <3

  • Classic
  • Risa

  • Classic


    Makes sense


    Instant Fear


    Respect your Elders

    Live updates: Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally; attendee and gunman killed
  • Fuck Trump and I genuinely hope he doesn't live long but assassination is obscene. First, it's just abhorrent. Second, you'll make him a fuckin martyr.

    Either way this is insanity. That shot of Trump bloody with fist up in front of the flag is going to be plastered everywhere for months.

    Step the FUCK DOWN BIDEN. You're now an old man stumbling through gaffe after gaffe and Trump was given a massive free PR boost. Not to mention he will 100% use this as justification to go after political rivals.

  • Alignment Chart Shitpost
  • Chaotic good. Huh. Never would have guessed.

  • What would you like to see more of on Lemmy and/or the wider Fediverse?
  • It happens. Just check the front page and make the post. If it's a repost then people will say but not everyone is on all the time. Unless it's a real recent repost just let it fly. Otherwise delete.

  • Correction before the Jackals can get in
  • Yup. I fucked up my tabs and put the wrong thing in the wrong communities. Derp.

  • Glorious Science!
  • Yeah but you're not a trained engineer after years at Starfleet Academy and years of postings who is currently on the Flagship. If they had the shields up constantly around it, it might imply that they don't trust their crew. Starfleet is all about trust and working together. If they shield the core constantly they're not trusting the engineers they trained to work on it and fix it. Imagine you spend years at the Academy studying the best in warp mechanics and what have you. You finally get to serve and after years and years you find that no one is trusted. That despite all your training on how to deal with it, you'd need to apply for permission to gain access to the thing your department is dedicated to. Those feelings of being untrusted or babied can really get to you after a while.

  • It's me. Just ask my co-mods
  • I cannot tell you how many times recently I've read headlines and gone "Wait, the fu- Oh yeah".

  • Jon Stewart’s ‘told you so’ about Biden was the scolding we needed
  • You lost the primary.

    There wasn't one. It was an utter sham and is one of the things people are frustrated about.

    Quit your fucking bitching!

    No. People are allowed to voice their frustrations with a geriatric who has proven he's as arrogant as trump. Until facism takes over America, it is literally a right for people to bitch about their leaders. And yes. Biden outright proved he's as arrogant as Trump when during an interview he answer the question "If you stay on and don't give the reigns to someone else and you lose the election to Donald Trump, how will you feel?" and Biden said he'd feel great as long as he did his best because that's what counts. Either he's lost his mind or he's an arrogant douchebag. It is not just appropriate but required to talk about how he is unfit for the job.

    This is ridiculous.

    Edit: I went and grabbed the exact quote I was thinking of that proves Biden is putting himself before the country.

    G. Stephanopoulos - If you stay in and Trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January?

    J. Biden - I feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job I know I can do that's what this is about


    This is about the future of DEMOCRACY. You just watched the Supreme Court appoint you a king and are like "Yeah but I gotta do the goodest job I know I can do" in a quote that sounds Trump-level failure on grasping the English language? Fuck off. Get the hell out of the way and let someone step in who knows what the fuck they're doing and is someone people can rally around.

  • Glorious Science!
  • Galaxy Quest type deal but instead of believing it, Gene sold it to CBS and the creation is actually a conspiracy?

    I fuck with it.

  • Glorious Science!
  • Warp core can have shielding around it but typically doesn't. There have been threats in the past from people firing at the warp core. A containment field can be raised (and iirc there was one raised in this scene) but it's not always on. Would no need to be in an area as critical as main engineering. Only people with access to the area are people who wouldn't typically fuck with it. Having a continuous forcefield would be a drain on ship energy systems and might even impact crew morale to an extent.