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the final boss after you clear Donald Knuth
  • Shall we go back to the time when "tubular" was acceptable?

  • No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • Yes, but No Man's Sky seemed like a real turning point. At first it was still considered embarrassing. Now it's the status quo.

  • Poll shows 84% of PC users unwilling to pay extra for AI-enhanced hardware
  • I already moved to Linux. Windows is basically doing this already.

  • AMD's latest integrated graphics perform like an eight-year-old Nvidia midrange GPU — Radeon 890M achieves GTX 1070 performance in Geekbench and lags behind GTX 1650 Super by 15%
  • The only recent game I've played that made my GPU cry was cyberpunk. But in the beginning that game was also a mess and now runs pretty decently.

    Thing is with modern day AAA games, considering what unoptimised messes they're released in, I can't be sure if the issues are with my card or the game being shite.

    But to be honest... I don't play that many AAA games anymore. The majority of them are incredibly uninteresting to me, are riddled with live service garbage, or are generally all pretty graphics and no substance.

  • AMD's latest integrated graphics perform like an eight-year-old Nvidia midrange GPU — Radeon 890M achieves GTX 1070 performance in Geekbench and lags behind GTX 1650 Super by 15%
  • Huh... So an integrated GPU now performs better than my GTX 1060 6GB?

    Considering that I can still play games reasonably comfortably on my 1060 I find it pretty impressive.

    Though... This is likely also writing on the wall for me to upgrade... At some point... Though honestly I dint feel like I'm really being limited by my GPU yet. The 1060 6GB is a pretty legendary card.

  • Canvas Ended. Who is this?
  • All over the platform!? This is the first time I'm hearing about it!

  • Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law
  • Yeah, let's be clear here, in NuTrek. That's not exactly a mark of quality.

  • It's happening again: War Thunder players continue to leak classified military documents
  • For whatever reason Warthunder attracts a lot of people that are total nerds over military hardware, especially on the historical side of things, including a lot of wereaboos. It also attracts people actually working in military positions, where a lot of the leaks come from, to my understanding. I remember a bunch of years ago there was a leak because a bunch of them were having an argument on the forums, and one of them was an engineer with access to blueprints.

  • Star Citizen is free this week, if you'd like to try it
  • Meh. Wake me up when Squadron 42 is released... And actually reviews well.

  • The West finally allowed Ukraine to strike back at Russia — and it seems to be working
  • All Putin is doing is dropping a few bombs and staging a bit of an invasion, and everyone is talking about war. What has the world come to?

  • The West finally allowed Ukraine to strike back at Russia — and it seems to be working
  • No way! Tell me more! What other great wisdoms are there?

  • Disney hack leads to 1.2TB of Slack communications leaked online
  • Would "crypto-twat" be more acceptable?

  • Disney hack leads to 1.2TB of Slack communications leaked online
  • A lot of hacker groups originated on 4chan.

  • Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer
  • But wouldn't that be only necessary if it needed to render real-time graphics at such a scale? If I'm correct, all its doing is playing back videos.

  • Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer
  • Wouldn't just one GPU be enough to run the Sphere, or a I getting something wrong?

    I remember hearing about that it's not exactly high resolution, each "pixel" being a bunch of pretty large lamps.

  • Political Compass of the Rings
  • That article was a very good read.

  • Valve rumored to be working on Android emulator for Steam
  • You saying my mom's pussy is open source?

  • A cool guide to 10 habits that vastly improved my life
  • A lot of these are vague, none specific fluff.

  • Steam deck for a TV party game emulation machine?
  • I mean, it runs flawlessly for me as well with all the DLCs... Just not splitscreen multiplayer.

    I've been down the rabbit hole of looking for a solution around the controller connection applet freeze, and with some people one solution works, with some others another... Sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently... Considering the variability surrounding this issue I don't think an actual solution has been found yet.

  • Is there a Linux drawing tablet, or a tablet Linux can be installed on?

    I have a 2nd generation XP Pen Artist 13. It's a great tablet and I've managed to make it work with my Steam Deck too.


    It's basically an external monitor with pressure sensitive surface, so still less portable than an actual stand alone table. So I'm wondering if there is a tablet with a pressure sensitive screen and battery free pen that either comes with Linux or can install Linux on.

    The programs I use for making art are Krita, Gimp, and Blender 3D.


    Why are honeybee stingers barbed?

    There are many other bee species that can sting Humans and survive, but the European honeybee has a barbed stinger, so it cannot remove the stinger once it's stung. In attempting to remove the stinger the bee will rupture its lower abdomen and then die.

    Why? What is the evolutionary advantage to that?


    New Flashcard for Nintendo Switch. Team Xecuter might be behind it.

    I apologize if this video has already been posted here. I did a rudimentary look through the posts of the past few days and couldn't see it.


    Looking for music similar to the album Dreaming by The Art of Noise

    Recently discovered The Art of Noise by looking up Max Headroom. Found a bunch of tracks I like that fit well with my already existing Spotify playlists.

    However, I want to find more music like three of the dance tracks on the album Dreaming. specifically like the tracks "Colour Red", "Colour Maroon", and "Colour White".

    Any recommended tracks/albums/artists?


    E-Books, best places to get them?

    I want to get back into reading, so I'm thinking of getting a Paperwhite. But I have no idea if it's possible to transfer files to it from a computer, and I have no experience with pirating books.

    Do I go to the same places I torrent movies and games or are there special places dedicated to E-Books?

    EDIT: So many awesome answers on here! You guys have been very helpful. Thanks a lot!
