• 25 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2024


  • I will note the idea Harris was picked at the 2020 primaries is bunk, people don’t vote on a President/VP ticket then(though that would be an interesting system). Harris was picked by Biden, and while she was on the 2020 ticket in the national election it’s impossible to say how many people she swayed.

    I don’t think she’s perfect, but unlike Hillary at least Harris was picked by circumstance, even if unfortunate circumstance, not appointed years in advance like Hillary was. (Hillary had been intending to go for it after she gained some political experience and Bill’s scandal faded. Al Gore was supposed to carry the democrats, but that didn’t work out, and JFK Jr who was being courted for a 2004 run died in a plane crash in 1999, so they had to work with John Kerry which didn’t go well. Then Hillary was ready and initially had party favor, but Obama came in like a locomotive without brakes: All the DNC’s horses and all the RNCs men couldn’t stop Obama in 08, no my friend)

  • Nebraska changing it’s laws to WTA would alter a couple of scenarios, turning narrow losses into ties or ties into narrow wins. Most of these scenarios aren’t very likely(two involve Maine state flipping and one involves Trump doing really well in the Rust Belt and flopping in the South which would be absurd), but the 'Trump sweeps the South and South-West and Harris dominates the Rust Belt" scenario is currently THE most likely on polls, more likely than a safe Trump win by yoinking PA or WI or a safe Harris win yoinking Nevada or Georgia. And that’s a tie if Nebraska changes the laws, which puts it to the House…except each State gets one vote and the reps just have to work together to pick that vote. So even in a Blue House they’d be likely voting Red.

    What would you put the odds of-

    1. Nebraska changing the laws before the election.
    2. Maine being unable to gather support and pass laws to change their own system in response in time(Nebraska’s been trying since March, if Nebraska passed it in September or October would Maine rally in time? It may only be one point +R one point -D, but that single point matters if every state voted exactly as it’s polled right now on the most centrist polling sites.

  • In hindsight I actually don’t think it was AS big a mistake as it seemed initially. Picking a woman, a black guy, or an Indian would have been completely undone and rendered useless against Harris. Picking anyone over the age of 60-65 would be a horrible mistake with Biden out. That doesn’t exactly leave a long short list. Vance is super young, he’s a veteran, he’s got some low level mid-western appeal and rural appeal, and he inflames the base to prevent a 2022 scenario. Not great, but probably better than what Nikki would have done especially since Vance brings in Pettuh-Thile’s bucks. People like Swanny or Nikki would have weakened the base and the gains would be erased by Harris.

    Burgum had a lot of the same strengths and especially better poker face, also ties to the tech bros, but he’s too old. I’m not sure if he was better or worse, but solid Top 3 out of the options they had. Youngkin would have been the dangerous pick electorally. He forces the Dems to fight in Virginia and has a lot of the ‘moderate swing white guy’ appeal Pence did. He’s also got Young in his first name which I’m sure could be used wonderfully in some posters. Not as much money and probably not as much of a loyalist though.