TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)

Hi I’m Tim.

I’m AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

  • 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • HR is designed and there to protect the company from employees, they are not really your friend any more than the corporation is your friend. They can be friendly, yes, in the same way you can work for a place that “takes care of it’s workers”, but they serve the business NOT you. I mean the name really breaks it down, Human Resources. They are there to manage the humans for the business just like any other commodity. They are also sometimes called Human Capital Management (HCM), and have a focus on training/education and extracting the most value from each employee.

  • Interesting you bring up Celiac Disease, as I found it doing some GoogleMD^tm myself, but had forgotten about pursuing it.

    I’m a bit older than OP, but have almost all the same symptoms, and have gotten the same “your just getting old” response from everyone. I still believe mine is tied back to me getting COVID (only tested positive that once), and have hurt basically non-stop to some degree since. I know people have all sorts of long-COVID things from taste, smells, breathing, diabetes, heart issues (blood clots/blood pressure/etc.) and on and on. This woman at work had this wild autoimmune thing with kinda painful rash blots that would randomly popup all over her body not long after she had COVID. I guess it’s possible maybe it triggered Celiac Disease for me.

  • I was also going to suggest some form of “make it a game”. I think maybe even more important in the beginning, is fighting the urge to backspace and fix every typo you make. Doing this will break any rhythm you may have in the moment, and in the beginning I found making it through a practice session more beneficial than correctness. Leaving error also allows you to go back and identify keystrokes (or patterns) that give you the most trouble and let you then focus on them until proficient.

    Good luck!

  • I have yet to watch a video where anything mentioned in this “article” was brought up. The only place I have seen any of this is on Lemmy (and I would assume other social media if I used it), and I saw people questioning if this list of topics even went out to anyone.

    This article seems like more “both sides” story telling trying to get clicks from the “woke” pitchfork brigade trying to find more things to clutch their pearls about.

    Edit - Just to make my position clear. I 100% believe that the accusations against those in charge at Game Science, and since I do not easily separate the art from the artist I have not bought the game. My comments above were in regards to this click bait article bringing nothing new and taking a “both sides” approach to a topic that was thoroughly covered over a week ago when the game released. As an article like this that is void of details, and adds nothing new to the discourse, is posted for the sole purpose of getting clicks from the upset toxic anti-woke crowd. I have also yet to watch a video where any of this has even gotten a mention beyond an acknowledgement from one creator that there was a “controversy” surrounding the game. I have also not seen a US content creator who got an early access copy, so none of them would have gotten this “do/don’t” list to begin with. I have also not read any reporting on if this actually went to everyone from the studio itself, or if whatever PR company was handling each region for release was the one creating/sending out this list.

    If anyone actually cares, the IGN article actually covered the issues with this studio and the culture of China as a whole.