Socialist Mormon Satanist

Mormon Satanist. Transracial Socialist Workers Party Kopimist Monk. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Woke-free. “Dems/Repubs offer only crumbs to workers while propping up systems that oppress us. True liberation comes only when we break free and ignite the fire of revolution.”

  • 173 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2024


  • I ask again, do you support an immediate ceasefire?

    And I said yes I do, but I still want Hamas defeated. And in a non-violent way, tho that is very unrealistic in today’s world.

    If so how does that square with your ongoing support and promotion of an organisation, the US SWP, that is opposed to an immediate ceasefire?

    Because I think the good things they do outweigh the disagreements I have with them. Now you may not, and that is totally your right.

    But it’s my right to have my own opinions as well. Even if they differ from yours.

    Just like many people who are voting for Harris, even tho they disagree with her on the current political problems and Hamas.

    I like the SWP, and I am voting SWP. It’s that simple.

  • ou and your ilk have been declared a threat to national security and don’t have access to any form of public communication.

    Carrying on the fictional scenario I see.

    If only there was some way you and you compatriots could prevented this horror from happening by getting Harris the few votes she needed, distasteful as it might have been.

    It’s not my job to “get” Harris or the democrats any votes. I don’t like her and I won’t be voting for her. That’s the job of the democratic party.

    I’m voting for the candidate who I like. Just as you are free to vote for the candidate you like.

    Enjoying my gruel right now actually. Thank you!

  • If only that could have been avoided.

    Yeah, maybe the democrats should have been better and won the election!

    Yyou didn’t vote for him so you got no worries though

    That is correct. I won’t be voting for him.

    except he just announced anyone pro-Palestine be sent to Segregation camps… sleep soundly with that clean conscience on your wooden mattress.

    That claim is absolutely ridiculous and nothing more than an over-the-top exaggeration. There’s no reality in which such extreme policies would be implemented, and statements like that just serve to fuel unnecessary fear and hysteria.

    Let’s stick to the facts and not dive into wild, unfounded hyperbole.

    You are free to vote out of fear. I won’t.

  • Your propaganda crusade for 3rd party candidates is where I get annoyed. Luckily you’re incredibly transparent so I don’t think you’re all that effective.

    So if I’m as ineffective as you say, then there’s really no reason for you to be annoyed or concerned. Right? I mean, if I’m not making an impact, then what’s the harm in just letting me post what I want where I want?

    No one’s angry with you.


    We just know what you are

    And what am I?

    it’s just annoying that we have to cover your spew of nonsense when we could be having much more productive and interesting discussions.

    You don’t actually have to deal with my “spew of nonsense” at all. You can simply choose not to interact, skip reading my posts, or block me altogether if it bothers you that much. No one’s forcing you to comment here, right?