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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I’m on the side that a remaster of a PS4 gen game dumb, but HZD was always the butt of the joke in regard to those awful generic bobblehead animations during every single dialog. It was laughably bad. With the reveal trailer, it does make a pretty big difference. Everything else? Not so much.

    If this had been a PC game all along, these animation overhaul would have been a patch of the original game, but since the trailer insists that they re-recorded all motion captures for the dialogs of the whole game, they get to sell it full price again.

  • That was a little ambiguous, because he said that after London was the major city that voted against Brexit, he was saying it was more foreign (European) than English. Schroedinger’s asshole type of comment.

    Also he said that because he was pro Brexit (which is already not good), so it might not have been about skin color at all, just international European culture.

    He did get caught in the Rowling shitshow, early on when he started saying “I just hope (trans people) are treated kindly” but slowly admitted that he only had surface knowledge and let it slip that he thought the whole trans thing was an act or a choice. I don’t think he was malicious or aggressive about it, but he was called out on propagating transphobic messages.

    And he spoke up against cancel culture.

    It’s possible that he doesn’t understand that even if he doesn’t mean bad things, he’s letting bad propaganda slip out and repeating a language that hurts easily targeted people without understanding the scope. But he doesn’t seem very willing to learn quickly about it.

    I haven’t heard anything recent if he changed his mind or double down about any of this.

  • Sales expectations here don’t mean “we think this game is so good it will move x million units,” that thinking doesn’t exist anymore. It starts from the money they put in it, and they deduce “we’ll need to sell x million copies to get the money back with the profit we want.” There have been a few interviews specifically about these two games saying that.

    It’s the same old idea that AAA products (movies, games, same excuse) cost more to make than they bring money back - although we never know exactly how much of that is actually “investors expect an x% return by week y” where x is just too high and y too short and they never want to think longer term, and we never know how far an investment actually goes. Especially in the case of the Remake trilogy where keeping the same engine and world is supposed to drastically reduce the cost of the last game compared to if they had started a new game from scratch with the same content - except part 3 is unlikely to sell more than part 2 given that it’s a sequel.

    At any rate, we all know it’s true that development time and costs keep going up exponentially, and no one likes it (and yet everyone wants 4k 60fps somehow).

  • I was gonna say “worth it” but

    “The Thorin population spent 50,000 years without exchanging genes with other Neanderthal populations,” Ludovic Slimak, a study co-author archeologist from France’s Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier who first discovered Thorin, said in a statement. “We thus have 50 millennia during which two Neanderthal populations, living about 10 days’ walk from each other, coexisted while completely ignoring each other. This would be unimaginable for a Sapiens and reveals that Neanderthals must have biologically conceived our world very differently from us Sapiens.”

    That’s actually quite interesting for the “how come there was no other civilization in the many tens of thousands of years that humans existed before our civilization that’s barely 6000 years old” crowd.

    Maybe that was their take on the “dark forest” hypothesis.

  • “La stabilité” voulue par le président, c’est “la capacité pour un gouvernement à ne pas tomber à la première motion de censure déposée”, insiste-t-on à l’Élysée.

    La stabilité pour ne pas tomber à la première motion de censure quand le parti présidentiel a pas de majorité absolue ? Elle est assurée quand le président nomme un premier ministre hors de son parti et dit à son parti de ne pas voter contre son choix. Rien de plus évident.

    Par exemple si il choisi à l’extrême droite et dit à son parti de se taire, aucune motion de censure ne passera, parce que son camp + le RN font plus de 50%. C’est super simple et c’est comme ça que c’est censé marcher quand il y a pas de majorité. Aucune justification à prétendre que c’est pas stable.

    Le calcul est identique s’il choisi à gauche, car il a toujours la majorité. Sauf que ça n’arrivera pas, il sait qu’il peut dire à son parti de ne pas voter contre et que ça suffira, mais il le fera pas. Il préfère prétendre que la gauche est instable.

    S’il choisi dans son camp parmi les ex PS en prétendant que le PS acceptera, il s’en fout parce que le RN ne soutiendra pas de motion de censure donc ça passera même sans la gauche. Donc on sait déjà ce qu’il entend par stabilité même s’il peut la créer comme il veut sa stabilité.

    Le seul risque qu’il court c’est de convaincre le RN de ne rien faire. Si le RN dit non, il sera forcé de prendre à gauche (et encore, en supposant qu’il ne vire pas RN), mais le RN ne dira pas non.