Electronics Technician, geek, happily married, and an aspiring author. Come check out my serial, “No Need For A Core?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Sparkling Targe seems the obvious answer to me, given that you have a natural weapon available. Starlit Span also works when using 1-handed range weapons.

    That said, you can’t generally use items for Spellstrikes, though there is a feat that lets you use scrolls.

    The problem is that you don’t cast directly, you activate the item, and that activation casts the spell for you.

    The flow is spellstrike->cast->attack

    An item is Active->cast(from item)

    Spellstrike doesn’t have the opportunity to activate an item, as that is a separate Action.

    Mind, if I was your GM, I would allow it with a Tengu Feather Fan, as other races have innate spells, but not with other items. But you will need to talk with your GM about that.

  • My first thought is to make sure you start off with Amped Shield and use the block each turn if you would get hit, that gets you three turns of reducing the damage of one hit each turn. And buy scrolls / a wand of Mage Armor. You do not want to take up a Spell-Known slot for it.

    Hmm, Automaton has reinforced chassis, but unless you were already planning on having a strength of 16+, that seems less than ideal.

    A human can just simply grab armor proficiency at 1st level (Via General Training). If you really want to commit, spend your first general feat to then upgrade it to Medium armor. Watch that Strength requirement for armor though. You might be better off getting the toughness feat for that general feat. Ouch, just realized proficiency does not auto-scale from this feat.

    Spending two class feats to get Mountain Stance seems expensive (martial Artist archetype -> Mountain Stance), but does stack with Mage armor.

    1 class feat for Sentinal dedication gets you light & medium proficiency up to Expert.

    You could be a Well Spring mage, then no one will want to be near you in case you blow up! (just kidding … or am I?)

    That’s all I can think of at the moment.

  • No, I’m doing it for a distance game. But with everyone on the discord, they just ping me if they want to work with a character, and I always set aside extra time during level-up to make sure everyone is good to go.

    I have heard of people using Foundry (and other VTTs) for table games. You create 2 logins, DM logs in to his via the Foundry app, and the other is logged into through a browser and displays on a big monitor (possibly laid horizontally if you have the money to mod a table and have a glass insert). Control of the party token(s) will depend on the setup. If both monitors are being used by the DM’s computer, the DM controls the party map directly, otherwise one of the players logs in on the second PC and controls the party tokens.

    There are a lot of variations.