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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023

  • Charity can serve as a means of control. This is way Republicans advocate against social services.

    The government cannot mandate that you attend church to receive EBT. A church can require you attend a service to feed you.

    I’ve heard from friends in Utah, for example, that access to many social services is through the church. Friend was trying to rescue a girl from FLDS - pretty much all job training/housing required she play along with mainstream Mormonism.

    Orgs like the Salvation Army are known to require trans people to detransition to recieve services as well.

    Another benefit is the rent seeking - Goodwill is a good example. You can still turn a profit with the right combination of PR, and tying access to services based on things that’ll make you profit (Goodwill “provides employment” for disabled people - they are legally allowed to pay them far below minimum wage.)

    It’s the two pillars of the contemporary Right - control and grifting.

  • A lot of suicide prevention has to be community based though.

    Affordable housing, accessible and good quality mental health services, career development programs… some people are suicidal because their situation legitimately sucks.

    For all the talk about ending stigma, I also think there needs to be a discussion about the way suicidal people are treated. In the US, involuntary holds can be hell and fucking expensive - especially when we consider how many people are suicidal because of finances. Lose your job because the 72 hour hold, during which you get to see a psychiatrist once. (From my personal experience, no guarantee they got a great score on their TOEFL).

    988 is a great idea, but patchy in execution and assuming a lot of other systems are already in place. It’s a can of fix a flat when you haven’t changed your oil in so long it’s starting to look like tar.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking help; I just think we really need to recognize that help is not always readily available. It’s not free, appointments aren’t always readily available, and you can end up with really bad providers. Services like BetterHelp are preying on that gap too, and have cooped the destigmatization of mental health into their ad campaigns that are uncomfortable.

  • I have fairly severe social anxiety; when I went to France, the negative response to the French I was able to stutter out ensured I’d never try to speak French again. (I read it fairly well, because Candide was good enough to read ten times)

    In high school, I had an assignment to go to a local Chinese restaurant and order in Chinese. The response to my “我要broccoli 牛肉” was so enthusiastic that I still do a set of Chinese flash cards everyday.

    There has to be a motivating force for you to learn something. Whether that is social approval/encouragement, needing to be able to ask for certain things… Some people can be motivated by an intrinsic love of learning things, but for most I think this is confined to specific topics.

    For language, I think you need a show that you want to watch, a space you can navigate by only using that language, something that gives you meaningful feedback and places to go that a grade simply doesn’t.

  • I have to use a windows 11 machine for work, and it genuinely surprises me how terrible it is. I don’t understand the opposition to local accounts - if I’m working somewhere with public WiFi/capture portal, I have to use my phone as a hotspot first.

    The PIN log in seems to roll a random number and decide each morning whether it is going to work or not.

    I also got a laptop with 11 on it for gaming. So much spyware I’ve had to uninstall, configuring anything is a nightmare. I was trying to adjust my mouse sensitivity/figure out why the scroll wheel is either 0 or to the moon, but even when you dig into the control panel, half the settings are missing.

    I also had to turn off my WiFi and google commands to make a local account, because otherwise Microsoft accounts are mandatory.

    Every change seems to make the experience actively worse for the user.

  • My ex bought FIFA/NBA every year as it came out like clock work. Set the game to the easiest possible settings, but complained about rubber banding and reset the quarter when he lost.

    The one time I got him to do laundry, he threw away half of our socks. He didn’t want to find pairs. My fancy dress socks, my novelty socks - all in the trash when I get home from work.

    Liking certain video games isn’t itself a red flag, it’s that mindless, video games as avoidance/wish fulfillment that’s concerning.

  • Palahnuik has written an auto cannibalism scene. In Haunted, girl passes out, other people decide to eat her (framing story is that it’s a reality tv show, but they all want it to go wrong and kill each other, it is extremely fucked up and is where “Guts” is from if you’ve ever been subjected to that). She wakes up to the smell of her own ass in the microwave.