Get the 13700K version. Personally, i like having igpu because i can take my time to repaste & clean my gpu carefully. Then there is still a running pc for my daily tasks. Or i need a file quickly out of my pc then there is no rush…
750watt psu is enough for this build, but if you plan to use it for the next 10 years, you might consider getting a 900~1000watt psu. This will ensure your next gpu upgrade & beside that, a powerful psu will degrade less in 10 years for your build.
If you are familiar with undervolting & you dont want to push your cpu to the sun temperature, Just get a dual tower quality air cooler or cheaper aio with cool rgb.
You can save your money on cpu cooler & get a 4080 instead, you might need a few more bucks for that one. 4070ti’s 12gb vram will be bottleneck for future games
Yeah thats true, they have so little price difference right now, its better to get 14700k. i just thought op might be from a region like mine, which still intel 14th gen cpu costs 50% more than a 13th gen.