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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • It would be nice if boomers and older Gen Xers would stop cashing out and then blaming millennials and zennials for the inflation being out of control and the economy not being the monolith it was in the 1980’s. You know, the 80’s during which that little tech boom thing happened right around the time a famous actor got elected president and immediately started de-regulating everything under the sun so that huge corporations could start squeezing employees and consumers like the chattel they are, thereby inflating the value of goods, services, and land.

  • She literally quit when she was told she had a failing liver that could not recover. Just to be clear, there is absolutely no way in hell that she didn’t know she was on the way to killing her liver with her drinking because there are a plethora of signs long before you get to the point where alcohol has destroyed your liver beyond its own ability to repair itself. (Which is incredibly prodigious. The liver is the single most regenerative organ in the human body)

    So forgive me if I’m skeptical that she really would have stopped being an alcoholic after she received a liver transplant.

    IMO this was a tragedy of her own making and the money and effort in transplanting a liver would have been a complete waste. (Even one offered by her SO.) Especially when there is such a deficit of available organs and the surgeons who do the transplanting are needed for patients who aren’t likely to go back on the sauce 6 months later.

  • Here’s an idea, why don’t you save your argument for one of the myriad posts that have popped up discussing this very subject of whether or not cats can eat vegan or not and whether or not that is abuse.

    But here and now within this post is a discussion over whether or not mods acted recklessly and whether or not there is a need for better guidelines on what is and isn’t allowed. Which were discussed in the post that you apparently didn’t read.

    At no point did the author of this post open up the floor to discuss whether or not veganism is good, bad, or ugly for cats.