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US arrests alleged Sinaloa cartel leader and son of ‘El Chapo’ in Texas sting operation US arrests alleged Sinaloa cartel leader and son of ‘El Chapo’ in Texas sting operation | CNN

An alleged Mexican drug kingpin suspected of flooding the United States with deadly fentanyl and who evaded authorities for decades is in US custody after he was apparently lured across the border by federal agents.

US arrests alleged Sinaloa cartel leader and son of ‘El Chapo’ in Texas sting operation | CNN

Xiaomi founder Lei Jun said US sanction fears spurred smartphone maker’s EV push Xiaomi started making electric cars over US sanction fears, founder says

Within two months of being temporarily placed on a US military blacklist, Xiaomi announced plans to enter China’s saturated electric vehicle market.

Xiaomi started making electric cars over US sanction fears, founder says

Eindhoven University of Technology is near ASML’s hometown. US ambassador questioned why it has so many Chinese students. ASML-Backed University Caught in Middle of US-China Chips War

A top Dutch technical university that is a key feeder for ASML Holding NV talent has been caught in the crosshairs of the US-China chip war as Washington seeks to limit Beijing’s ability to produce semiconductors.

Thailand's economy: factory closures due to cheap Chinese imports with job losses jumping by 80% within one year
  • The CHIPS Act was signed in 2022.

    In 2022, what were the top bleeding-edge node semiconductor fabs? TSMC (Taiwan), Samsung (South Korea), and Intel (USA). Do you see China on that list?

    In 2022, what was the only company with a functioning 28nm DUV lithography machine? ASML (Netherlands).

    US sanctions -- and US sanctions alone -- pushed Chinese investment into semiconductors. If you actually worked in the industry, you'd know that the Chinese government has tried for more than a decade to get Chinese companies to use Chinese semiconductor tech... To no avail. The US stabbed itself in the foot, pushed Chinese private capital into Chinese semiconductor firms (instead of foreign ones), and the rest is history. This is basic capitalist theory.

    I guess you can also ignore the $15 billion bailout for airlines?

    But sure, let's talk about the great backlash to the GM bailout... ignoring the Chrysler bailout. Ignoring the bailouts of JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs... All essential for national security, or so I'm told.

    Let's now talk about companies in China's EV race... WM Motor, which used to outsell Tesla, is gone. Byton, gone. Aiway, gone. Levdeo, gone. Mitsubishi, gone. Honda, Hyundai, and Ford? All desperate to cut out their JVs.

  • Thailand's economy: factory closures due to cheap Chinese imports with job losses jumping by 80% within one year
  • Western countries support individual companies constantly.

    Intel received $8.5 billion in funding under the CHIPS Act

    The General Motors bailout forced the US government to write off a $11.2 billion loss

    Shell, ExxonMobil, and others have received countless billions in O&G subsidies

    Government sales make up $49.2 billion, or 74.6% of Lockheed Martin's total sales

    The entire principle of US industrial policy is that the government does nothing and everything should be outsourced to a private contractor. Inherently that must mean supporting some private companies more than others.

    Your argument makes literally no sense when considering that Chinese companies consistently and notoriously sell their products in China for a fraction of the cost of the export models. BYD's Atto 3 sells for $20k in China and more than $40k in the EU, for example. Those export prices aren't subsidized. In fact, their margins are absolutely absurd.

    The fact is that China has figured out industrial manufacturing and can build the same class of product for half the price... Or less. Of course, there's no reason to pass those savings onto consumers without competition, and export markets are simply less competitive than China.

  • Thailand's economy: factory closures due to cheap Chinese imports with job losses jumping by 80% within one year
  • Economics says that Chinese companies are just more efficient as a whole - through sheer competitive advantage, China can produce more per work-hour than everyone else. In fact, this has been a huge problem for China's labour demographics as there's just simply no more manufacturing jobs - an auto factory that would've employed thousands just a decade ago might employ barely a few hundred today. Instead of outsourcing to other countries, most of those jobs have been literally outsourced to robots

  • Thailand's economy: factory closures due to cheap Chinese imports with job losses jumping by 80% within one year
  • The story not being told is that Chinese factories are absurdly automated compared to the rest of Asia - their competitors are South Korean and Japanese factories, but they're entering markets that are still heavily labour-centric. China is spearheading this new evolution of industrial manufacturing and everyone else is forced to either adapt or die.

  • China's Q2 GDP grows 4.7% y/y, below forecast
  • 4.7% YoY Q2

    5.3% YoY Q1

    0.7% QoQ Q2

    1.5% QoQ Q1

    Retail sales were the contributor (2.0% YoY growth, vs. 3.3% expected)

    Retail growth is being sandbagged by a few key factors:

    1. Luxury goods demand being beaten to the absolute ground. Eviscerated.

    2. Foreign brands have tanked in China - Apple, foreign cars, etc. and have been replaced by (cheaper) domestic alternatives like Huawei, BYD, etc.

    3. New trade restrictions with the US and Europe have limited Chinese consumption patterns. For example, the RTX 4090 is blocked from being exported to China.

  • China's Q2 GDP grows 4.7% y/y, below forecast


    Hungarian PM's office demands recognition of all of Ukraine's Zakarpattia as ''traditionally Hungarian'' Hungarian PM’s office demands recognition of all of Ukraine’s Zakarpattia as “traditionally Hungarian”

    Among the 11 demands of Hungary regarding the protection of the rights of national minorities, a key stumbling block is the designation of areas in Ukraine with a special level of guarantees for the rights of Hungarians. In particular, this refers to the country’s westernmost Zakarpattia Oblast, whe...

    Hungarian PM’s office demands recognition of all of Ukraine’s Zakarpattia as “traditionally Hungarian”

    China spots US military aircraft deploying submarine detector in South China Sea


    Israel threatens to 'take Lebanon back to the stone age' Israel threatens to ‘take Lebanon back to the Stone Age’

    Defence minister makes threat as US intelligence suggests large-scale conflict could break out in a matter of weeks

    11 Graphene find in China’s Chang’e-5 moon samples challenges lunar origin theory

    Discovery has potential to upend scientific consensus that the moon’s formation was the result of a small planet colliding with Earth.

    Graphene find in China’s Chang’e-5 moon samples challenges lunar origin theory
    US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • You do realize that renewables still have an emissions footprint from manufacturing, transportation, deployment, transmission, and recycling/retirement... Right? That they're limited lifespan disposable goods? So are batteries.

    Moreover, each new solar panel has an opportunity cost in that it could be used to supplant fossil fuels in an area of the world that would actually benefit from it, rather than helping a facility THAT ALREADY HAS A TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM cool things down further because Americans are too spoiled with their extreme electricity consumption patterns to do anything else.

  • US to Hezbollah: Don’t count on us to stop an Israeli attack

    The messaging comes as American officials seem more resigned to the likelihood of an escalation in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict.

    Russian space control center in Crimea struck by Ukrainian ATACMS missiles
  • Funny that you should bring that up, because Eastern Ukraine is ethnically and linguistically Russian-dominated, just like Crimea. Self-determination for me but not for thee?

    Why does Western Ukraine get to dictate the sovereignty of Eastern Ukraine?

  • Philippines decides against invoking mutual defense treaty with US amid South China Sea dispute

    The Philippines announced Friday that it does not intend to invoke its mutual defense treaty with the US following an incident captured on video where the Chinese coast guard allegedly boarded two Phi...


    "There are not and cannot be any "beaches", "tourist zones" and other fictitious signs of "peaceful life" in #Crimea" - Mikhailo Podolyak, adviser to Ukrainian President

    10 UAE: Abortion now allowed in rape, incest cases as new law issued

    The UAE has specified three additional instances where pregnancy abortions will be permitted. According to a cabinet resolution — a copy of which Khaleej T..

    UAE: Abortion now allowed in rape, incest cases as new law issued
    5 Newly released video shows Saudi man filming locations ahead of 9/11 attacks

    Footage was unsealed in court action by families of victims who claim Saudi government was complicit in event

    Newly released video shows Saudi man filming locations ahead of 9/11 attacks

    Russia says 3 killed, over 120 injured in Sevastopol due to Ukrainian missile attack


    US reputation on the line at Second Thomas Shoal US reputation on the line at Second Thomas Shoal - Asia Times

    Taiwan, Ukraine and Gaza get most of the attention these days. But the United States’ reputation as a reliable ally is nowhere more at stake than in the

    US reputation on the line at Second Thomas Shoal - Asia Times

    Two astronauts wait to come home as Boeing races to understand spacecraft issues Two astronauts wait to come home as Boeing races to understand spacecraft issues. Here’s what’s at stake | CNN

    Two NASA test pilots helming the inaugural crewed flight of Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft are in a tentative position as mission teams scramble to learn more about issues that plagued the first leg of the journey.

    Two astronauts wait to come home as Boeing races to understand spacecraft issues. Here’s what’s at stake | CNN

    US lobbying group ADL faces Wikipedia ban over reliability concerns on Israel, antisemitism ADL faces Wikipedia ban over reliability concerns on Israel, antisemitism - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

    Wikipedia editors argued that ADL tends to label legitimate criticism of Israel as antisemitism.

    6 Philippine officials say Chinese forces seized 2 navy boats in disputed shoal, injuring sailors

    Philippine security officials say Chinese forces have seized two Philippine rubber boats that were delivering food and other supplies to a military ship outpost in a disputed South China Sea shoal in a tense confrontation in which some Filipino navy personnel were injured.

    Philippine officials say Chinese forces seized 2 navy boats in disputed shoal, injuring sailors

    Birmingham, Britain's second-largest city, is being forced to dim lights and cut sanitation services due to bankruptcy The UK's second-biggest city has been plunged into debt and darkness

    Birmingham was once a powerhouse industrial metropolis, but now the UK's second city is a shell of its former self as rubbish lines the streets, the lights stay off and children grow up below the poverty line.


    China's Xi accused the US of trying to trick him into invading Taiwan, but said he won't take the bait China's Xi accused the US of trying to trick him into invading Taiwan, but said he won't take the bait, report says

    Xi Jinping told an EU leader that the US was trying to trick China into invading Taiwan, per the Financial Times, amid increasing tensions.
