• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • In addition to reducing the volume of waste being created

    That will amount to a cynical coercion of the public in some way. I’m being forced to work for free in the form of sorting waste at point of disposal, and worrying about fines, all so that industry’s line can continue going up. So that plastics production growth can largely continue on trend. Paper and plastic recycling are like cycling up the hill of environmental conservation in top gear. Loads of pedal revolutions that (ultimately) only slow the rate of decline back down the hill.

    If the product has a high energy cost involved in new production, that’s when industry actually does the right thing. Aluminum is a great example. Generous deposit schemes are found all over the world. They’re voluntary and well managed. But paper and plastic are cheap to manufacture by comparison, and the costs can be passed through to the consumer, so industry and government conspire to do just that (the mechanisms of which are then greenwashed).

  • I question whether a lot of people even need sync.

    Passwords in general don’t change for long periods of time. Really the only rationale for doing so is confirmed or suspected compromise (two-factor processes make this rarer still). It doesn’t strike me that an almost permanently static input merits regular synchronization.

    The alternative is doing a one-off manual sync (copy and paste) between two local DBs, then locally moving one of them to the target device. Zero online connectivity has to dramatically reduce attack surface. Is five minutes’ maintenance per year an unacceptable convenience penalty to pay?