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basic geography rule
  • Excellent question, but I don’t have an answer, sorry :(

  • basic geography rule
  • Si, siempre

  • basic geography rule
  • Do not worry, I never assumed you gave even one shit about Michigan. I assumed you gave two, maybe three, shits about essential geographic context in the art of cartography

  • basic geography rule

    it came to my attention that my previous post on basic geography needed an inset for Michigan to provide better geographic context, thanks for the catch!

    basic geography rule
  • Valid criticism, but out of the scope for the map. Maybe in the next edition, if my publisher funds it

  • basic geography rule
  • This map is fully accurate, Michigan is just off the map

  • basic geography rule
  • Yes, as noted in the original post Toledo is now in the correct location

  • basic geography rule
  • Hey I don’t make the rules, I just report the geography

  • basic geography rule

    it came to my attention that my previous post on basic geography had toledo in the wrong spot, thanks for the catch!

    basic geography rule
  • Tbh this is just wrong, it’s clear Ohio is larger than Canada even if you include their puppet state (Toronto).

    Clearly if New York wanted instigate intrastate warfare they would conduct a lightning assault through Canada and catch Ohio by surprise, who would likely be thinking that their Appalachian Line on the border with New York would keep them safe. Canada’s so small they could cross it in hours!

  • basic geography rule

  • Our guiding light in these dark times

  • rule

    OneDrive deleted my files!
  • Mine clicked just after a year :( so it’s waiting to get switches soldered cause I ain’t buying a new one but don’t have the will to do it yet cause I got my ancient G5 still. (I live in America, so doing warranty shit is a hassle, and I surmised it would fail again so I should just fix it now)

  • OneDrive deleted my files!
  • That’s what I mean, even e-waste quality razer isn’t double clicking!!

  • OneDrive deleted my files!
  • I had to replace the cable on my G5 after it frayed after about a decade, but after that it was back to it. Sorry you lost yours, and I hope you never double click on the G502!

    (All the weights gang, build that wrist strength)

  • OneDrive deleted my files!
  • Mine is a G5, which looks like it lost the MX518’s sick ass faux metal and instead gets what I can best call “cracked lightning?”. I was too young to figure out mouse buying so the fam’s resident nerd chose that for me - I thank her to this day

  • OneDrive deleted my files!
  • One drive does suck nards, but for your double clicking; logitech has been using shitass switches to detect clicks for a while now. They sooner rather than later fail to click once. Only solution I’ve found is to replace the switches (hard mode), or keep using the logitech mouse I have from 2009.

    It’s sucks, but you just gotta go for another brand. Even razer doesn’t have such a rampant double click problem.

    Logitech enshitified their dominant market position by cheaping on switches - works for them, they sell more mice (if you don’t put together they’re the source of the problem and it’s not a one-off issue).

  • Proxmox bind mounts are a nightmare for user permissions
  • In incus, I had the same setup of an LCX container with a Docker container inside of it. I passed 1000/1000 to the LXC container but the LXC container’s default root user has a an ID set of 0/0. So I had to pass 0/0 to the Docker container, not 1000/1000 to get the read/write permissions working.

    That may fix your issue as it’s basically the same tech, just different automated things implementing the LXC container!

  • priorities rule
  • Yes, that doesn’t fit the me-me narrative at all!

  • priorities rule
  • I’ve found this claim from a dev that the RAM pack was for “vertex lighting”; is that essentially vertex colors? E.g., I am asking if they basically needed the RAM pack for the monkey-tits.

  • priorities rule
  • Unverified DK64 dev claims: it was actually for “vertex lighting”! Now to go find the graphics nerds elsewhere in this post and ask them if that’s similar to vertex shading, which is the cause for the monkey-tits being as “big and round as possible”

  • priorities rule
  • Thank you for your service, I had forgotten how many Rare bazongas there were!

  • priorities rule
  • Ah, I see I am in the presence of a preeminent N64 titty connoisseur

  • priorities rule


    glowie rule








    nv robo rule


    Cambrian ruleiod




    man-portable anti-dragon spellcaster (MANPADS) rule


    wizards council ain’t shit rule


    last ditch forbidden spell rule

    may mystra have mercy upon me


    wizards #1 rule


    wizard war rule

    this is revenge for getting pants shid then unshidding pants with a spell off goog’s 3rd page of SEO results that sucked the shid back up like a vacuum cleaner (shout out to for finding the spell)






    How do y'all backup docker databases with backup programs like Borg/Restic?

    Edit: Results tabulated, thanks for all y'alls input!

    Results fitting within the listed categories

    Just do it live

    • Backup while it is expected to be idle

    • suggested adding a real long-ass-backup-script to run monthly to limit overall downtime

    Shut down all database containers

    • Shutdown all containers -> backup

    • Leveraging NixOS impermanence, reboot once a day and backup

    Long-ass backup script

    • Long-ass backup script leveraging a backup method in series

    Mythical database live snapshot command

    (it seems pg_dumpall for Postgres and mysqldump for mysql (though some images with mysql don't have that command for meeeeee))

    • Dump Postgres via pg_dumpall on a schedule, backup normally on another schedule

    • Dump mysql via mysqldump and pipe to restic directly

    • Dump Postgres via pg_dumpall -> backup -> delete dump

    Docker image that includes Mythical database live snapshot command (Postgres only)

    • Make your own docker image ( and set to run on a schedule, includes restic so it backs itself up (thanks for uploading your scripts!!)

    • Add docker image prodrigestivill/postgres-backup-local and set to run on a schedule, backup those dumps on another schedule (also recommended additionally backing up the running database and trying that first during a restore)

    New catagories

    Snapshot it, seems to act like a power outage to the database

    • LVM snapshot -> backup that

    • ZFS snapshot -> backup that (real world recovery experience shows that databases act like they're recovering from a power outage and it works)

    • (I assume btrfs snapshot will also work)

    One liner self-contained command for crontab

    • One-liner crontab that prunes to maintain 7 backups, dump Postgres via pg_dumpall, zips, then rclone them

    Turns out Borgmatic has database hooks

    • Borgmatic with its explicit support for databases via hooks (autorestic has hooks but it looks like you have to make database controls yourself)


    I've searched this long and hard and I haven't really seen a good consensus that made sense. The SEO is really slowing me on this one, stuff like "restic backup database" gets me garbage.

    I've got databases in docker containers in LXC containers, but that shouldn't matter (I think).

    me-me about containers in containers

    !a me-me using the mental gymnastics me-me template; the template is split into two sections with the upper being a simple 3-step gymnastic routine while the bottom has the one being mocked flipping on gymnastic bars, using gymnastic rings, a balance beam, before finally jetpacking over a burning car. The top says "docker compose up -d" in line with the 3 simple steps of the routine, while the bottom, while becoming increasingly more cluttered, says "pass uid/gid to LXC", "add storage devices to LXC", "proxy network", "install docker on every container", and finally "docker compose up -d". ___

    I've seen:

    • Just backup the databases like everything else, they're "transactional" so it's cool
    • Some extra docker image to load in with everything else that shuts down the databases in docker so they can be backed up
    • Shut down all database containers while the backup happens
    • A long ass backup script that shuts down containers, backs them up, and then moves to the next in the script
    • Some mythical mentions of "database should have a command to do a live snapshot, git gud"

    None seem turnkey except for the first, but since so many other options exist I have a feeling the first option isn't something you can rest easy with.

    I'd like to minimize backup down times obviously, like what if the backup for whatever reason takes a long time? I'd denial of service myself trying to backup my service.

    I'd also like to avoid a "long ass backup script" cause autorestic/borgmatic seem so nice to use. I could, but I'd be sad.

    So, what do y'all do to backup docker databases with backup programs like Borg/Restic?
