Hi. It should do TLS by default. You should set the TLS port.
Hi. It should do TLS by default. You should set the TLS port.
Thank you. Happy you liked it.
It now works on ARM and ARM64. Regards.
It’s being worked on. Keep an eye on https://github.com/ellite/Wallos/issues/9 . It will be updated when this is available.
Thank you.
You can add a category for that in the settings. Or maybe I’m not understanding exactly what you mean.
Thank you. Not exactly sure what you mean, but in the settings you can add categories and maybe with that you can have more or less what you want?
That is implemented. Notifications by email only for now.
None really. You can probably do much more advanced stuff with a spreadsheet.
For me it’s just easier to visualise it this way and I am not very familiar with spreadsheets.
It’s definitely a cool idea.
Most of the endpoints already behave kind of like an API, so would need to maybe add a bit more granularity on what can be requested and allow generating an API key for the requests.
Yes. Was the last feature I implemented. Didn’t want to realease v1.0 without it.
On the settings page you should enable Notifications and fill the SMTP details.
When notifications are enabled in the settings, on the dashboard you can individually select which subscriptions should trigger a notification.
Create a file resetpw.php in endpoints/cronjobs/
Paste the following code:
$hashedPassword = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
$stmt->bindParam(':password', $hashedPassword, SQLITE3_TEXT);
$result = $stmt->execute();
if ($result) {
echo "Password updated successfully.";
} else {
echo "Error updating password.";
Change mynewpassword to your desired password. If your environment is different, please set $webPath manually.
Then run on your browser: domain:port/endpoints/cronjobs/resetpw.php
Finally, delete the resetpw.php file so it can’t be unintentionally triggered again.I haven’t tested the code, but it should work.