Well, Malaysia also doesnt interest in bidding 2034 world cup. Prefer to support Saudi bid instead.
Not much for stadium above 40000 capacity, most of them are athletic stadium
Jakarta: GBK & JIS Surabaya : GBT Pekanbaru : Riau Main stadium (need big renovation) Balikpapan : Batakan Samarinda : Palaran (need big renovation)
Some of them below short of 40000 capacity Bandung:GBLA, Jayapura:Lukas Enembe & Banten Province:BIS (38000 capacity)
Including this game, Japan has scored atleast 4 goals in a match 5 times in a row. WTF
Ah, The Sierra Leone National Premier League. They gonna head to head with the mighty Inter Legend Mohammed Kallon club, Kallon FC /s.
Never heard of this brand before, is it good?