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I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

Posts 313
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I absolutely love how fragile they are
  • Surely it is a mark of the solid correctness of all of their views.

    Just like Russia is the world’s most awesome military and economic juggernaut and it’s super not fair for anyone to be allowed to attack inside their borders because that is cheating.

  • What's the men's version of Victoria's Secret?
  • Serious answer: Sharp haircut and good suit

    (Assuming you are generally fit, capable to make eye contact, generally meet the basics in addition)

  • “There was four years of Trump and nothing particularly bad happened”
  • I haven’t seen it for a while; it was mostly a kind of joke on my part as applied to the propaganda people in the present day. But yeah it used to be super common as of a few months ago to see overlap between “Biden’s no good for Americans I’m not voting and you shouldn’t either” and “NATO needs to stop meddling in Ukraine and blocking peace, this whole war is the West’s fault” on the same account.

    Fun thing if you see someone advocating for voting for a third party: Ask them who. If they say Jill Stein or Cornel West, ask whether they agree with those candidates’ opinions about NATO. My bet is that you won’t get an answer.

  • I absolutely love how fragile they are
  • “Are we the violent imperialists? No, it’s the maternity hospital that is wrong.”

  • Brawn, bazookas and killer bots: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s finest films – ranked!
  • I gotta be honest I never saw any of those ones, or the ones from the 70s. I am only agreeing with the list insofar as it ranks the ones I am familiar with.

  • “There was four years of Trump and nothing particularly bad happened”
  • “Plus Trump is finally gonna stick it to those fuckin Ukrainians”

  • “There was four years of Trump and nothing particularly bad happened”
  • “Oh, cool! I’m gonna vote for Kamala Harris then; if we’re already fascist then she can’t do any harm, and I might get some of my student loans forgiven that way.”


  • I absolutely love how fragile they are
  • In fairness, that comment is one hell of a roast. You either gotta ban them from everything, or reevaluate what you're doing; it just happened that they went with option A in this case.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • I don't think the issue with .ml is that it's doing moderation according to a different viewpoint, it's that it is so unapologetic about deleting comments that don't line up with that viewpoint. Most servers have some kind of viewpoint, but if e.g. you or some other .ml person went onto any big server and started talking about Marxism or NATO or US imperialism or etc, I highly doubt that anyone would say "nope we don't allow that here" and ban you. But .ml does the reverse -- straight-up only allowing one side of the debate to exist. I had that experience, literally being disallowed from making certain arguments, which I something I usually only associate with /r/walkaway or other very extreme communities.

    Everyone gathering around to yell at the person with the unpopular opinion is one thing; maintaining a mod enforced explicit one-viewpoint community where only one type of opinion is allowed to exist is very different, and very rare outside of the / hexbear contingent or else places like Truth Social, and almost nowhere else.

  • Brawn, bazookas and killer bots: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s finest films – ranked!
  • If you want to knock down any of the top 4 below their spots, to make room for Predator, we can fight.

    Predator is a great fuckin movie. But you gotta keep some perspective. Idk… honestly, maybe knocking Conan down to spot #5 and bumping everything else up so Predator lands at #4 is pretty defensible. But on the whole it’s incredibly rare for me to see one of these ranking lists that I agree with so thoroughly as I do this one.

    (“True Lies” and “Last Action Hero” also absolutely need to be reevaluated from the raw deal they got in this listing, too… I actually feel like I can identify exactly the age of the person who wrote the listing purely from the epoch of Arnold movies that made an impact on them)

  • Harris pushes cease-fire after Netanyahu meets with her, Biden separately

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Joe Biden at the White House and later spoke with Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Group review of my new ban
  • mods are out of their damn minds

    I got upset about some .ml moderation action and posted a similar post. At this point, I wouldn’t even give it a second thought; just ignore the instance completely.

    If you bring a raccoon in the house, and it shits on the carpet and eats all your donuts, that’s on you, because it’s a raccoon and you involved yourself with it. I look at communities mostly the same way.

  • Reddit is now blocking major search engines and AI bots — except the ones that pay
  • They don't care if the cat videos are on a banana sub.

    I don't know why but I can't stop laughing at this

  • [draws pistol with malicious intent]
  • Somewhere there is a Vietnam book where an American pilot told a story about "One-Shot Charlie". There was an old Vietnamese man in some village who had some kind of ancient rifle, and every time they were flying nearby, he'd come out of his house and fire a single shot at the aircraft going past him half a mile up or whatever, and then go back inside. Just kind of a "I hate the fuck out of you but all I have is this rifle but fuck yes I will do my part."

    They loved him. They never tried to attack him and I think would have been legitimately angry if someone had tried to hurt him. When you are in war you find your moments of safety and humor where you can.

  • [draws pistol with malicious intent]
  • W was a piece of shit in many many ways, but you can't deny his humanity in that moment. Dude handled it like a champ and couldn't wait for whatever was coming after the second shoe. You could tell that was his favorite thing that ever happened in a press conference.

  • [draws pistol with malicious intent]
  • William Faulkner has some wonderful stories about the WW1 days when people would go up in these rickety planes with a handgun, and take potshots with it with one hand while they flew the plane with the other, or take up a big basket of hand grenades and be lobbing them down at people on the ground while the people on the ground were shooting at them with infantry weapons.

    Pilots in war have always been nuts, but there's levels of nuts.

  • FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A "Colored Sorority"
  • I came here specifically to say this. I didn’t even watch the video before posting this, just assumed he was being Brian Kilmeade, but now that I’ve listened to it, he clearly said “college.”

  • Where Harris’s Potential Running Mates Stand on Climate: Possible contenders to join the Harris ticket include three governors who welcome clean energy and a senator concerned by extreme heat
  • "Bro... even if you're getting paid, you surely understand on SOME level at this point that what you're selling off is your grandchildren's future."

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • Hm, maybe I am misinformed then. I haven’t used Android in a few years and I just remember being very struck by how enthusiastic iOS was, when I started using it, about smacking down apps that wanted to do something sketchy and how absolutely appalling were the app permissions choices I was faced with on Android.

  • FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A "Colored Sorority" Sly FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A “Colored Sorority” While Criticizing Kamala Harris, Xitter Dragging Commences

    With VP Kamala Harris now officially running for president, the alleged racists on the Right are foaming at the mouth. Case in point, on Tuesday morning (July 24), during a segment on Fox and Frien…

    Sly FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A “Colored Sorority” While Criticizing Kamala Harris, Xitter Dragging Commences

    Edit: Guys, watch the video. He clearly said “college.” I am sorry for posting misinformation; I didn’t watch the video first, and just assumed it was legit 😕.


    FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A "Colored Sorority" Sly FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A “Colored Sorority” While Criticizing Kamala Harris, Xitter Dragging Commences

    With VP Kamala Harris now officially running for president, the alleged racists on the Right are foaming at the mouth. Case in point, on Tuesday morning (July 24), during a segment on Fox and Frien…

    Sly FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A “Colored Sorority” While Criticizing Kamala Harris, Xitter Dragging Commences

    Edit: Guys, watch the video. He clearly said “college.” I am sorry for posting misinformation; I didn’t watch the video first, and just assumed it was legit 😕.

    0 Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore

    Just like that, Donald Trump went from being three years younger than his opponent in the upcoming election�to being 19 years older. That change seems to have left Trump a wee bit confused. In the ...

    Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore

    House GOP leaders urge members: Stop making race comments about Harris


    TIL psychedelics supposedly work by desynchronizing the brain A psychedelic state arises from desynchronized brain activity

    Psilocybin induces profound changes in brain connectivity.

    A psychedelic state arises from desynchronized brain activity

    “There was four years of Trump and nothing particularly bad happened”

    Except you know, that one thing

    Or that other thing

    71 Donald Trump's chances of winning election slump after RNC speech

    The odds of Trump securing victory over Biden have lengthened from 2/5 on Thursday to 8/15 on Friday, according to William Hill.

    Donald Trump's chances of winning election slump after RNC speech

    I have no idea about William Hill. But the odds they describe sound about right to me, and the Nate Silver thing and the summary of Trump’s speech sound informative

    inb4 BIDEN COPIUM HAHAHA etc and etc

    70 AOC says many who want Joe Biden off ticket also want to remove Kamala

    ‘A lot of them are not just interested in removing the president. They are interested in removing the whole ticket,’ congresswoman says

    AOC says many who want Joe Biden off ticket also want to remove Kamala

    This stupid topic again

    But sure


    Who Goes Nazi?


    America will never be the same after Milwaukee’s tent revival for the cult of Donald Trump America will never be the same after Milwaukee’s tent revival for the cult of Donald Trump | Will Bunch

    A four-day tent revival in Milwaukee celebrated total surrender to the cult of Donald Trump — and maybe the end of America as we once knew it.

    America will never be the same after Milwaukee’s tent revival for the cult of Donald Trump | Will Bunch
    46 Donald Trump's Chances of Winning Election Are Declining

    FiveThirtyEight's poll tracker shows Joe Biden has a 53 percent chance of winning the election, while Trump has a 46 percent chance.

    Donald Trump's Chances of Winning Election Are Declining

    Polls are crap

    It’s a little bit notable how they change over time, but mostly it is just a bunch of poor methodology noise

    But, I do feel it’s relevant to point out that even in polling land Biden has been gaining for the last few weeks and it’s notable which media outlets are pretending it is the opposite of that (like severely the opposite) and to wonder why that is


    Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President

    Enough! It’s time for Democrats to stop the bickering and nit-picking.

    Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President

    I hate that this is the debate we’re having now

    I also hate that I’m feeding into the NYT’s lazy and transparent attempt to undo their previous partisanship with new opposite partisanship like those two things cancel out and add up to journalism

    But what the hell, if that’s where we’re at, this is a relevant data point about the landscape


    It’s vitally important that Democrats now ask one question and one question only: Does Biden have the best chance of beating Trump, or is there someone else readily available who has a better chance? There’s only one relevant question

    Fearful thoughts on hearing Biden’s first news conference since November 2023

    There’s only one relevant question
    321 Long Island bill could mean jail time, $1,000 fines for face masks that hide identity

    A county on Long Island could become one of the first legislative bodies in the tri-state to ban face masks that conceal the wearer’s identity — with violators facing potential fines and even jail time.

    Long Island bill could mean jail time, $1,000 fines for face masks that hide identity

    Straw Hat Riot


    Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words: "America Ends" Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words

    Timothy Snyder succinctly predicted what will happen “unless Trump loses.”

    Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words

    Columbia removes 3 deans for texts that touched on "antisemitic tropes"
