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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 27th, 2024


  • Well your take upsets me. It is wrong, dangerous and like all liberalism should be called out.

    I made a general post against snitching, you then went on and made a bunch of assumptions:

    Why then do you hate China? Why do you hate an in-power communist party?

    That’s a leap, isn’t it. I hate snitching therefore I hate China and its communist party. lol what?

    Global revolution. What a flippant, ridiculous response.

    That’s what you said!

    Do you think a revolution will succeed or endure in the face of external attempts at overthrow, pressure, etc without snitching?

    You didn’t specify which revolution, so I assumed you’re talking about a global revolution.

    Then you go on to make more assumptions:

    You want magic not Marxism, you want tolerance for counter-revolution, for the people who commit genocides, who subjugate the working class, who commit a thousand horrible, mind-tearing horrors upon humanity under their system.

    I want all that because I think snitching is bad?

    You don’t want a discussion, and you’re not answering sincerely. You saw an opportunity to virtue signal and rant about all sorts of things that have nothing to do with me or what I said.

  • “We just need a better sense of how this is working and who benefits,” Carter told TRNN. “Any business would expect this kind of transparency; why can’t it be afforded to the people who are footing the bill?”

    What a non-answer lmao. 1) say you’ll look into it, 2) rhetorical question about fairness. Brilliant.

    Multiple attempts by TRNN to contact the developers of Harbor East to get the developer’s perspective on both the performance of the tax incentives and problems with transparency went unanswered. In fact, simply finding a person to speak for the development was challenging.

    We also reached out to the mayor’s office and the city’s finance department multiple times. We asked both to either confirm our calculations or offer an alternative number—both have yet to respond.

    They told them to fuck off. Mayor’s office didn’t even respond.

    These questions demand answers as the city teeters on the precipice of an existential makeover, with the shadow of Harbor East looming over what happens next.

    The questions demand answers! lol the joke is that they are both immaterial and a question isn’t a subject that can demand something, demanding requires a subject, like a human or a cat.

    This is why it is important for communist parties and organisations to have online news/newspapers, because they can agitate with such facts and then tell people a way to organise against that injustice.

  • A load of bs. I mean the whole “study”.

    Measuring mental wellbeing is a tricky business. But the US non-profit, Sapien Labs, has had a go with its Mental State of the World report

    Our Founding Story Sapien Labs was born out of a weekend experiment with shocking results. In 2014 our founder Dr. Tara Thiagarajan, a PhD in Neuroscience from Stanford, was running a microfinance company called Madura that was working across 25,000 villages and small towns in India. Madura had built a research group that was working to understand drivers of economic outcome in impoverished communities. A large field team gathered data on ecosystem and individual level variables to identify those that predicted the economic success of both individuals and entire villages. Over a thousand different variables were sampled across tens of thousands of people, including cognitive metrics. In this process they encountered many unexpected and curious cognitive dimensions and outcomes. The obvious question was – what was going on in their brains?

    It’s another free market ranking with some “cognitive metrics” by someone “running a microfinance company called Madura that was working across 25,000 villages and small towns in India.” Countries with more microloan banks are happier, I bet.

  • How many people are those island nations supporting through desalination?

    “Globally, more than 300 million people now get their water from desalination plants, from the U.S. Southwest to China.” https://e360.yale.edu/features/as-water-scarcity-increases-desalination-plants-are-on-the-rise

    Do you really think that is anywhere near the same as creating enough water for ten of millions, hundreds of millions, or billions of people???


    Further, island nations ration water to an extreme degree,

    No, they don’t. I used to live on an island that got all its water from desalination plants and there was no rationing.

    and they also don’t need to support agriculture to massive scales like mainland farms in Russia, China, or the US do.

    But US and China aren’t going to “run out of water”. Not every place with water sources is suitable for large-scale agriculture either.

    I said it was extremely expensive and nigh impossible to scale to a degree that the world could use it. The vast majority of countries could not afford the resources required for that, or sustain it for long at all.

    It’s very possible. Of course the majority of countries can afford it. It’s not space travel. I suggest you do some research into the topic, and if you are going to make grand claims like “vast majority of countries can’t afford it” you better have some facts and figures to back it up.

    Those well and rivers are running dry. Have you looked at any research related to this?

    Have you looked into research or sensationalist media articles? If water evaporates that means it is in the stratosphere and will come back down as rain. If a river “dries up” that means that water went somewhere else, probably deep underground.

  • saltwater that is extremely difficult to desalinate and requires immense amounts of electricity, technology, and manpower to do on a scale to create fresh potable water. Not really. Ships have their own desalination equipment. You’re confusing “extremely difficult” with “unprofitable”.

    There are many island countries without fresh water sources that get their water from desalination.

    ground water has been drained Where is it going to go?

    You need freshwater to grow staple crops such as wheat, corn, rice, potatoes, and other grain. They developed rice that grows in salty water: https://asianews.network/seeds-of-hope-spring-from-seawater-rice/

    There are GMO versions of the other foods you listed that can grow on less water (if need be). Lack of irrigation has to do more with lack of political will, corruption, capitalism. “We’re running out of water” is a cop out. There’s plenty of water, it just needs to be treated. You drink treated water, we all do.

  • the restaurant was nearby my area

    Is there a reason you didn’t go to it but chose to use grubhub? A walk to the restaurant to pick up food can be nice and help clear the head.

    How is it that you can feel horrible when you’re hungry (physically and emotionally) and then feel content and all is right with the world after having eaten?

    Because the contents of our stomach, the amount and variety of bacteria, pH level, quality of food, affect our mood. Often this gets us into a vicious cycle: eat junk food > feel like shit > eat more junk food, and so on. Junk food isn’t only nutritiously poor, it is also full of preservatives and bacteria can’t go grow on it, which means bacteria can’t really grow in our stomach either. The food you ordered from the Vietnamese restaurant was probably a home-made recipe using regular supermarket ingredients, that’s why it feels good for you to eat it.

    And what did you all eat today (so far)?

    I just made myself egg fried rice.