oce 🐆

I try to contribute to things getting better, sometimes through polite rational skepticism.
Disagreeing with your comment ≠ supporting the opposite side, I support rationality.
Let’s discuss to refine the arguments that make things better sustainably.
Always happy to question our beliefs.

  • 39 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • J’ai été témoin de ce qu’une grande ESN (ex SS2I) comme Altran fait du crédit impôt-recherche, il y a quelques années.
    Les consultants qui ne sont pas en mission pour des clients sont dits en “inter-contrat”.
    Pour les occuper, on les envoie dans le service de R&D au siège.
    Le service de R&D est une espèce de laboratoire d’idées foutraques ou les gens font un peu ce qu’ils veulent, de toutes manières, on ne s’attend pas à ce que ça produise quoique ce soit, ce sont les contrats chez les clients, le gagne-pain.
    Le seul objectif, c’est qu’il y ait quelque responsable qui ait la patience de rédiger, de temps en temps, un rapport d’activité ronflant pour justifier suffisamment de l’existence de la R&D chez Altran pour qu’elle continue à quémander du CIR.
    Je parie qu’ils font des projets d’IA génératives bidons en ce moment.

    Voilà un exemple concret de ce dont parle cet article. Aucune raison de penser que ça se passe autrement chez les autres géants du consulting ou même chez nos grandes entreprises supposées innovantes.

  • It’s a battle of political ideologies.

    ml is administered by the creators of Lemmy, they are openly socialist/communist/tankie depending on your own ideology, ml was chosen to represent Marxism-Leninism, and so the people it attracted are generally also adhering to this kind of ideologies.
    .world was created for Redditors exile, as such, it is mostly center-left to social democrat.

    Political extremists tend to extremise everything, typically a tankie will call you a Nazi/fascist if you disagree with them. That’s one of your answer.

    Secondly, some ml people are frustrated that Lemmy is not their own little thing anymore for them and their friends, as world is the biggest instance now by far. So they show some kind of instance-xenophobia, not much different from the Great Replacement theory: “we are being culturally replaced through mass migration”.

    Not all .ml people are like that of course. In my experience, it is enough to block a few tankies to get back to civilized discussions.

  • Voting for people that are closest to want I think is good.
    Volunteering in non-profits.
    Pushing for progressive ideas at work.
    Trying be an example of what I defend and explain to people around me it if they ask me, without pushing them to change, hoping that I can slowly change the culture around me without triggering mental blockers. For example when a colleague asks if I’m vegetarian, I explain that I am rather flexitarian, which means I don’t have forbidden food but I favor food with smaller ecological impact. If they seem not receptive, I’ll listen politely and not try to change their minds. If they seem receptive, I’ll show them the Poore & Nemeck studies. Sometimes just a bit of neutral information is enough to trigger a change.

    In short, I don’t want to be someone who just blames the governments or companies, and make no efforts otherwise. I think we need a cultural change at every stage of society.