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I'm a little teapot 🫖

Posts 45
Comments 908
PSA: Grayjay is really good
  • Huh, odd. I can't get it to open YouTube links on any of my devices. I guess I'll have to investigate.

    Edit: ahh, the play store version doesn't support link handling

  • What is a product you would never recommend?
  • Oh I totally recommend Chromebooks, they almost entirely eliminate the tech support burden from having a parent/grandparent who doesn't get computers. It was the dude above me who crapped on them.

  • PSA: Grayjay is really good
  • It would be really helpful if grayjay could register as a link handler, that's the only thing stopping me from using it most of the time

  • What is a product you would never recommend?
  • Oh yeah, I'm not saying you did anything wrong I'm just telling people to protect themselves when they buy their products.

    They make nice eink devices, they just have a tendency to implode fairly often so definitely have buyer protection for a couple of years if you're going to spend on one.

    There's really nothing you can do to go after them either, I doubt they have enough of a presence in the US to make a small claim worthwhile.

    I'd you bought yours with a credit card take a peek at your card agreement and see if you have any coverage for electronics purchases. You might have coverage for 1-2y for phones, tablets, computers, etc and could make a claim through your CC company.

  • What things would you standardize globally if you were the Supreme Leader? All violations punishable by death.
  • I like the Scandinavian system of fines for breaking the law. They're scaled based on your annual income so a speeding ticket isn't just a fee for the wealthy.

  • Brain listen, the taxes are important.
  • But there's Wikipedia I could be reading -Brain

  • What is a product you would never recommend?
  • Chromebooks are amazing for a certain type of low technical skill person. Older parents and grandparents in particular are exactly the kind of people that Chromebooks are for. There's zero technical support burden and if anything goes wrong a power wash solves it.

  • What is a product you would never recommend?
  • I'm still waiting for a viable competitor to the Galaxy Tab S line. Literally no one makes a flagship tablet that can compete with Samsung's build quality on those, they're pretty much the only ~11in OLED game in town too.

  • What is a product you would never recommend?
  • Their after sale support (both warranty and technical support) is absolutely abysmal. If you need support for one of their products you're best off dumping it "as is" on fleaBay and buying something else to replace it.

  • What is a product you would never recommend?
  • They've had screen breakage problems since about 2-3y ago for some reason. My OG Nova Air has survived about half a dozen short drops without any issue but more recent devices are just spontaneously breaking in people's bags or sitting on a counter.

    I think they're dealing with some kind of design failure where they haven't accounted for display stresses in the newer thinner screens but they'll never, ever, admit to it. That would open them up to replacement liability and drive them out of business.

    If you do buy one of their newer devices I strongly encourage you to buy a 2-3y aftermarket warranty with it otherwise it seems like you have a decent chance of just being shafted at random.

  • What is a product you would never recommend?
  • Anything made by Razer, any Google hardware

  • Rule

    (Solved!) Data recovery, point me in the right direction?
  • I'd focus on KDE here, it sounds like the gui auto mount service is barfing for some reason. Does the drive mount normally when you boot to the CLI and try to mount it by hand?

  • How do you inform yourself on topics which don't belong to your field of expertise?
  • Instructions unclear, dick stuck in card catalog. Send help, preferably a hot librarian.

  • How do you inform yourself on topics which don't belong to your field of expertise?
  • I do this plus follow competent people in those fields on Mastodon/reddit/etc for current news relevant to practitioners in the field

  • Mounting Folders VS Symlinks?
  • how though?

    mount -o bind /source /target or use fstab or systemd mount units

    Can you explain a bit more please?

    Container software often needs permission for both the virtual path (wherever the bind mount is mounted to) and the source path (wherever the original is mounted from. It's not terribly complicated but it does mean fiddling with access permissions in flatpaks.

    You should read about bind mounts, they're fairly straightforward and there are many, many, many explanations available online

  • Mounting Folders VS Symlinks?
  • Lots of internet people says that one can't create mount points across different filesystems.

    Citation needed. Bind mounts work just fine wherever you put them, again: you need to mount your source filesystem somewhere then you can bind mount paths from that mounted filesystem anywhere in the running VFS tree. You should Google linux bind mounts, they're quite simple.

    problems that symlinks do

    Can you explain more please?

    Some software has problems following symlinks properly and fails to work unless given the symlink source path instead

  • TIL That you can download English Wikipedia in only ~100Gb
  • Compression ratios on plaintext are magical

  • Mounting Folders VS Symlinks?
  • bind mounts don't usually have the problems that symlinks do. The only time I've had issues involve container systems like docker or flatpak.

  • Mounting Folders VS Symlinks?
  • For data like this from another filesystem I usually like to mount the entire volume somewhere private (like under /run) and then bind mount the parts I want to use into their desired locations (like /home/foo/Download, etc.)

    I do this with a second ext4 drive that I use for performance sensitive storage with my primary btrfs system root. It works well, just be aware of edge cases involving containers (you may have to grant the container access to the original mount location under /run in addition to the bound path. This is definitely a gotcha when working with those paths with flatpak.)

  • Least Weasel
  • Cute cat snake

  • Rule








    Implement client side multicommunities

    One of the features I really miss from the snu site is multireddits. It would be really handy to have a similar feature available in boost that can aggregate posts from multiple communities into a single feed view.


    Magical Kingdom Rule


    50 million rendered polygons vs one spicy 4.2MB boi


    So anyway I started (psionic) blasting

    Last floor of a very successful berserker run. The imp quest netted a ring of wealth +2 to go with the alchemy kit I found earlier on. After a couple of SoUs into the ring I was swimming in upgraded scrolls throughout the demon halls, then a summoning trap room spawned adjacent to the entrance.




    Marjorie Taylor Greene Rages at 'Stupid People' She Has To Work With Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at "stupid people" she has to work with

    At an event on Sunday, Greene said she was "sick and tired" of the "stupid people" she works with in Washington, D.C.—including Republicans.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at "stupid people" she has to work with



    Fossil rule


    Cat potato


    Yo fuck tankies







    22 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

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    Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, in his first remarks after being elected Wednesday afternoon, told Members of Congress that “Scripture” and “the Bible” are clear that they have been “ordained” by God.


