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Krafty Kactus
Krafty Kactus @ tkk13909
Posts 35
Comments 683
  • Are you telling me this thing has wings?1000054199

  • R U L E
  • All insects have wings

  • Ameruleica 🦀
  • "Wishing for the collapse of the current system is very leftist." - 16 upvotes, 0 downvotes.

    And y'all wonder why people don't take the left seriously.

  • Ameruleica 🦀
  • Well my mouth looks like squidward so sideways

  • Ameruleica 🦀
  • Have fun with your circular reasoning and bad-faith arguments. I'm gonna go eat a burrito

  • Ameruleica 🦀
  • And then what?

  • Ameruleica 🦀
  • What do you think is the most likely outcome of the fall of the US?

  • let 👏 people 👏 enjoy 👏 things 👏
  • This is, in fact, a shit post

  • sus rule
  • Tumblr?

  • Rule
  • Me asking my female friend for social advice:

  • GNU Taler is not your friend
  • So does literally any good privacy tool

  • Modded Pixel Camera App
  • That works! Thank you so much!

  • Modded Pixel Camera App

    Does anyone know of a modded pixel camera app that would allow me to use astrophotography mode without the requirements being met (camera stability and light level)? I've been searching for awhile but haven't found one yet.

    Edit: Per the recommendation of I have downloaded the BSG camera mod (specifically the ENG version) and it has this exact feature!

    Why isn't there enough gay porn on lemmy ?
  • Silence, conservative.

  • micrulesoft
  • Who are we supposed to recommend it to then?

  • Have you ever seen yourself on a CAPTCHA?

    I just had this thought while filling out a form. It's pretty unlikely that anybody has seen a picture of themselves riding a motorcycle on a CAPTCHA but it's not impossible and would be pretty cool!


    Best Replacement for Citra

    Now that Citra has been discontinued, which fork/alternative should I use for 3DS emulation?

    Antinatalism Krafty Kactus

    Y'all realize you're not convincing anyone, right?

    Nobody who is considering having kids is going to actually take any of this seriously so what's your goal?

    Lost Lemmy Users Krafty Kactus

    Not even sure what they were going for here...


    Cool AF eclipse photo from 2017 Lance (

    Attached: 1 image The eclipse, as seen from our front yard on 2017/08/21. This was possibly the luckiest photo of my life so far. It even made it onto the local news, I was told. Taken with a cheap Fujinon XC50-230 zoom on my Fujifilm X-T2. It's not a composite, but an actual photo. It was croppe...

    Lance (

    This just got boosted onto my Mastodon feed and I think it fits here.


    echo "RIP my inbox" | sed 's/box/rule/g'


    People of Lemmy, you know what to do.


    To everyone who hates the concepts of landlords and rent, what counts as being a landlord?

    Does having an AirBNB setup make someone deserving of the guillotine or does that only apply to owners of multiple houses? What about apartments?

    Please explain your reasoning as well.


    Good NAS Software for a Bad PC?

    Up till now I've been running Debian on a 2008 Dell tower as my homeserver. I just got 2 1tb drives for it so I want to upgrade to an actual dedicated NAS software to simplify how I manage it. The problem is, I only have 4gb of RAM in it. Any recommendations?

    Edit: For context, I mostly use the server for Nextcloud and Syncthing but I also want to be able to have a generic Debian server with ssh access available if I need it.


    Holes rule

    A lot of people yearn to be part of something bigger than themselves, something truly glorious, something that can give their life purpose. Some people climb the corporate ladder, others join the military, and some will selflessly dedicate their life to charity. But deep down, all we truly want is to not only see a really, really deep hole at the beach, but to know that we contributed to making such a big, cool hole in the sand.


    "I don't care that Facebook tracks me"

    What's your take on his points? I wholeheartedly disagree with him but I don't know how to properly voice why. I wanna hear what you guys have to say.


    Pixel 6a astrophotography mode goes hard indoors too:


    Has anyone seen zipper merging work in America?

    Edit: I'm not quite sure how cross posting works here. I just saw this post in asklemmy and thought it could generate some interesting discussions in this community. I don't have any opinion on the matter.


    Found this in the comic strips community and thought it pertinent!


    Weird Thought

    Does anyone else ever want to just jump into the ground and swim through it or is that just me?


    Sabbath afternoon after church

    JustGuysBeingDudes Krafty Kactus

    Boys will be boys!


    GrapheneOS Parental Controls

    Does anyone know of a good privacy respecting (preferably FOSS) parental control app for Android? I'm trying to convince a friend to get a Pixel with GrapheneOS as their kids next phone but they won't do it unless it let's them control certain things.

    They're used to iOS where apparently their kid can request to download an app and they can remotely allow the installation. They can also add screen time beyond the original set limit if the kids requests it.

    Unfortunately, I don't think they'd be open to switching if it means losing their parental controls.


    Welcome back...
