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Don't be worse than Russia. Please fix.

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Jeff's magic money machine
  • Since buying and giving in permament use is not gifting, I can go with that option.

  • Jeff's magic money machine
  • In normal countries it's called tax

  • Jeff's magic money machine
  • In normal countries it's called tax

  • Never tire of winning
  • Last one

  • Anon goes to the pet store
  • Cat. Pet the cat.

  • attacking kamarule
  • Response: I'm gonna say the S word

  • Never tire of winning
  • Impeached TWICE? HOW?!

  • If Clinton, Trump, and Did Not Vote were presidential candidates in 2016
  • I'm not sure what is worse: Soviet elections without choice or American elections without choosing.

  • If Clinton, Trump, and Did Not Vote were presidential candidates in 2016
  • Or there is option of making ballot invalid

  • If Clinton, Trump, and Did Not Vote were presidential candidates in 2016
  • and our generally-undereducated masses eat it up.

    Get some commies, they quickly will do likbez and universal education.

  • If Clinton, Trump, and Did Not Vote were presidential candidates in 2016
  • Another confirmation that Russia is European country.

    Also, US, please fix yet another thing you are worse at than Russia.

  • "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild
  • Or maybe, just maybe you close that loophole that allows empoyers pay less wage if you tip?

  • "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild
  • so he could screw the drivers out of their tips,

    How to screw someone out from what they weren't promised?

  • Single point of failrule
  • Article doesn't explain how it even coupd spread at all.

  • Single point of failrule
  • Yes. CalmAV comes to mind. "Security by obscurity" is no security.

  • Single point of failrule
  • So he can bur... Ah.

  • Street-Complete, like Pokemon Go but for good.
  • or is just using us for free labour?

    It pushes updates to openstreetmap.

  • Googling
  • There is always shortage of highly-skilled unpaid labour.

  • Concerning CrowdStrike Martin Seeger (

    **Concerning CrowdStrike:** We are now at t+26h. Please compare how much we knew about the xz-attack after less than a day with what we know about the chain of events of giant outage yesterday. If something similar had been caused by an OSS component, we would see congress discussing a ban on open...

    We are now at t+26h. Please compare how much we knew about the xz-attack after less than a day with what we know about the chain of events of giant outage yesterday.

    If something similar had been caused by an OSS component, we would see congress discussing a ban on open software in critical infrastructure already.

    How the Japanese look at the US — comic in recent Tokyo newspaper.
  • What an adorably truck-kun you have!

  • Linus Torvalds rant and Async IO How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux - ScyllaDB

    ScyllaDB's Glauber Costa explains how two new APIs, io_uring and eBPF, are changing the fundamental nature of Linux programming.

    How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux - ScyllaDB

    > > So I think this is ridiculously ugly. > > > > AIO is a horrible ad-hoc design, with the main excuse being “other, less gifted people, made that design, and we are implementing it for compatibility because database people — who seldom have any shred of taste — actually use it”. > > — Linus Torvalds (on > > First, as database people ourselves, we’d like to take this opportunity to apologize to Linus for our lack of taste. But also expand on why he is right. Linux AIO is indeed rigged with problems and limitations:


    Nether current nor planned EU laws protect from NEWAG-style antirepair practices applied to trains, trams, buses and other buisness equipment Patrick Breyer (

    Angehängt: 1 Bild 🇬🇧 🚆🔧 #StopKillingTrains! Not only computer games but entire trains are being arbitrarily disabled by their manufacturers. EU Commissioner Breton now admits that EU law doesn‘t protect us. We finally need a full #RightToRepair and a #RightToModify the devices we bought! #Pira...

    Patrick Breyer (

    Split-/usr on Linux became so broken, that even Gentoo maintainers decided they can't fix it


    Self-surgery on South Pole

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    Linus Torvalds is funlord of LKML

    > The thing that has always disturbed me about O_DIRECT is that the whole interface is just stupid, and was probably designed by a deranged monkey on some serious mind-controlling substances [*].

    Let's add more quotes


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    "I didn't have to be in this place, I didn't have to record this video. In my place should have been another person. But this person was killed by Putin."
