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Sometimes coming up with something witty as a post title is too hard because my god...
  • The googledebunkers are hiding the truth!!!!1!!1!1!11!1!1!

  • Moon dust
  • 50% SiO2, 15% Al2O3, 10% CaO, 10% MgO, 5% TiO2 and 5-15% iron

  • McConnell’s exit isn’t going to be a quiet one
  • It's not even ignorance, it's by design. They've even outlined their plans online:

  • Because why not
  • That looks like Master Builder Alec, his YouTube channel is amazing

  • U.S. likely to enact a law soon that could ban TikTok nationwide, President Joe Biden vowed to sign it into law
  • The law isn't specifically for TikTok. Its to allow the US government the ability to ban any foreign owned company.

  • U.S. likely to enact a law soon that could ban TikTok nationwide, President Joe Biden vowed to sign it into law
  • The law is to force any company that isn't US owned that the US doesn't like to hand over ownership. Regardless of your thoughts on TikTok/ByteDance/China in general, this is not a law one should praise. It's incredibly dangerous and is one more step toward the US becoming a full-fledged fascist state.

  • How is the US able to instantly stop an attack from Iran but powerless when Israel attacks hospitals?
  • There are no more hospitals in Gaza (because Israel destroyed every single one). And they have yet to show any evidence of Hamas using the hospitals as military bases.

  • Iran claims success, TV shows month old Texas fire as aftermath
  • We have international laws, but for some reason no country seems to want to uphold them when Israel continuously breaks them. That means the international laws aren't laws anymore and that's a dangerous precedent.

  • I don't trust Jeff
  • It's real but not bezos

  • You want the one that's not compensating
  • Can't believe I completely forgot about Roccat, loved their mice like a decade ago

  • 8 April 2024
  • Not at all, it was a formality to say your name, especially on landline where multiple people have access to the same phone.

  • 8 April 2024
  • Yes, "Hello, name speaking" used to be very common when I grew up

  • I tried touching grass, but I don't think it worked out well for the grass
  • This is the second comment I've seen you make that are just like this. You a bot or something?

  • The eclipse shadow travels on the ground at about 2300 mph, so you could follow it with an SR-71.
  • Small plane ask speed, it slow.
    Bigger plane ask speed, it faster.
    Jet plane ask speed (derogatory), it fasterer.
    SR71 plane ask speed, it fastest.

  • Strike That Killed World Central Kitchen Workers Bears Hallmarks of Israeli Precision Strike
  • It also wasn't just 1 car, they hit 3 separate WCK cars 1km apart from each other. Killing 7 international aid workers.

  • These are the dms that I want
  • Short for avatar, which used to be the name for profile pictures

  • Israel kills police officer in charge of securing aid convoys
  • According to Israel any person in Gaza is Hamas.

  • Gentlemen, we have a winner here.
  • It was one of my favourite comics as a kid (honestly still is) alongside Calvin & Hobbes

  • rule
  • The real solution is not to punish the 90% but to provide help to those 10%.

  • Free moneyrule glitch




