Inserting stuff from normal mode ends up before the cursor, which is not what I want if I just typed text ending with a space character, I want it after. I’ve been using this for a bunch of insert functions:
(defmacro my/insert-after-space (&rest fs)
(lambda (f)
;; If in evil normal mode and cursor is on a whitespace
;; character, then go into append mode first before inserting
;; the link. This is to put the link after the space rather
;; than before.
`(defadvice ,f (around append-if-in-evil-normal-mode activate compile)
(let ((is-in-evil-normal-mode (and (bound-and-true-p evil-mode)
(not (bound-and-true-p
(looking-at "[[:blank:]]"))))
(if (not is-in-evil-normal-mode)
(evil-append 0)
(my/insert-after-space org-roam-node-insert
Inserting stuff from normal mode ends up before the cursor, which is not what I want if I just typed text ending with a space character, I want it after. I’ve been using this for a bunch of insert functions: