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Jacked men vs Fat Men - Debate Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

How to diversify Piped playlists/subscriptions? Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


Piped is an alternative frontend for Youtube (similar to Invidious). Over the months I have created multiple playlists with music mainly.

My question is how to diversify/backup Piped playlist/subscriptions in case my account was shutted down. It happened in the past when I had Invidious account on instance.

Am I supposed to get playlist as .txt file and download content via provided links in youtube-dl or is the re a way to import the playlist somewhere else like other Invidious/Piped instance etc.

Humor xelar
Alex Jones Rants as an Indie Folk Song Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

Documentaries xelar
The Mole: Infiltrating North Korea (2020)

In 2010, Danish director Mads Brugger received an email from a stranger who had seen a documentary he had made about North Korea. He asked if Mads would be interested in making a new film about his quest to become a member of his local North Korean 'friendship' association in Denmark to enable him to travel to Pyongyang undercover. There are Korean Friendship Associations (KFA) in countries around the world, and their members, bizarrely, are devoted to the glorification of the world's last totalitarian communist dictatorship.

Permaculture xelar
Permaculture in Poland's Driest Region, Part 1: The Valley of Mists, Łukasz Nowacki - Earth Day 2022 Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

In this vlog American filmmaker Jonathan Ramsey meets Łukasz Nowacki, one of Poland's growing number of permaculture farmers. Located on the outskirts of the tiny village of Gapinin in Poland's Łódź region, Łukasz's farm - named The Valley of Mists - is in an area with very damaged soils and huge problems with drought, making it one of the most difficult places in Poland to do permaculture. Using compost and a variety of smart agroforestry methods since 2013, Łukasz is transforming this sandy, barren soil into an oasis of resilience and regeneration.

Humor xelar
Bully Hunters on CS:GO hunt Streamable Video

Watch this video on Streamable.

The group of people hunt for bullies and hunt them.

10 KB Club

The 10 KB Club is a curated collection of websites whose home pages do not exceed 10 KB compressed size.

Humor xelar
World's Hardest Game - Captcha Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

Game Development xelar
Fun channel with regular devlogs of indie game developer Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

The guy released already and he works on "Home Grown" - gardening game. I like his discipline, consistency and knowledge.

Game Development xelar
The state of gamedev summed by BlueDrake42 Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

How do you deal with the fact of being that "alternative" weirdo?

Most people from my circle use mainstream apps and see me as that "alternative" weirdo/geek.

Most alternative options are being used by geeks and males quite often. Its hard to find normies here.

Do you think there will be a shift in perception?

What went wrong with Albicla – Polish government response to Facebook hegemony, funded with public money Albicla - pozwól by wszystko stało się jasne

Utwórz konto lub zaloguj się na portalu społecznościowym To alternatywa dla wolnych ludzi, którzy cenią sobie szczerość i otwartość.

Yesterday, the "Polish response to Facebook" was launched by government media owner Tomasz Sakiewicz - Albicla or "All Be Clear".

Making the portal was not the pinnacle of professionalism, few key points:

  • The terms of the portal are copy-pasted facebook regulations within its fb hyperlinks

  • You can download the entire user base, because it is not protected in any way (a request was sent to the Personal Data Protection Office, but most probably nothing will be done due the fact the office is led by government representative)

  • If you want to post on the wall to a "stranger", you can click rmb -> inspect element on the "publish" button (on your profile). Then you look for "input" in html which will open for you and change "Value" to the id of the person whose profile you want to write something on.

  • User password has no character limit, someone pasted the entire content of Pan Tadeusz (Master Thaddeus) polish poem as a password

  • Half the users are popes (its national treasure to post John Paul II memes everywhere)

  • The other half are fake accounts of government party activists, Trump and other famous figures,

  • Someone created an account called "login", after clicking on his profile, you just log out

  • Someone else called himself "delete_account", after clicking on his profile, you can delete your account (and currently it's probably the only working method of deleting an account),

  • A lot of pedophile content passed through the night

  • barely some managed to receive an activation e-mail, the portal itself crashed after a few hours of operation

  • Others do not have a problem with it, apparently someone has already set up 500k multi accounts (even after a ban, you can register from the same email)

  • It seems possible to create an account without a name, without an email and without a password. In the source of the page, remove the required attribute from the input fields.

  • Sakiewicz is proud of his portal popularity

Poles literally trolled Albicla. No surprise tho, the majority of young people hate government and its tricks.

"Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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