Freedom is the ONLY thing that counts. I do acknowledge that Libertarians claim to want to pursue freedom.

However I believe that Libertarianism, will only replace tyrannical government with tyrannical rule by businesses.

The problem with governments no matter their political leaning is that most political ideologies lack any mechanism to deal with corruption and abuses of power. Libertarianism seeks to deal with this by removing government and instead hand the power to private companies.

Companies are usually small dictatorships or even tyrannies. Handing them the power over all of society will only benefit the owners of these companies. The rest of society will basically be reduced to the status of slaves as they have no say over the direction of the society they maintain through their 9to5s.

These companies already control governments around the world through favors, bribes or other means such as regulatory capture or even by influencing the media and thereby manipulating the public’s opinion through the advertisement revenue.

Our problems would only get worse, all the ills of today’s society, lack of freedom, lack of peace, lack of just basic human decency will be vastly aggravated if we hand the entirety of control to people like petur tihel and allen mosque.

Instead the way to go about this is MORE democracy not less of it. The solution is to give average citizens more influence over the fate of society rather than less. However for that to happen we all need to fight ignorance and promote the spread of education. It has to become cool again to read books (or .epub/.mobi’s lol)

The best way to resolve the the corruption issue is to not allow any individual to hold power, instead having a distributed system.

More of a community-driven government. Sort of like these workers owned companies. We should not delegate away our decision-making power. We should ourselves make the decisions.

Although this post is in English it does neither concern the ASU nor KU or any other English speaking countries, in particular. It’s a general post addressing a world wide phenomenon.

    10 months ago

    Don’t have any counterarguments? Don’t let that stop you! Just throw out some insults and act as though a serious reply is beneath you, given your superior understanding of the world. If confronted, gesture broadly at the comment you’re replying to and say something like “that third point you made is stupid!” Don’t bother elaborating or explaining why. Everybody will probably think you’re a professor of economics who’s just sick of explaining himself or something!

      10 months ago

      The very first sentence is borderline propaganda. It implies that lemmy is full of hard leftist when, in truth, there are as many liberals here. Why start with this sentence?

      Then it follows with something like “I’m not a libertarian” or something along this line, “but”, which means it’ll actually be a long rent or propaganda to promote liberal views or critique the leftist views. And I wasn’t wrong, as the last paragraph showed.

      I didn’t comment to talk about the political matter, but about the shape of the discourse. You are a hard liberal, but you pretend not to be. That’s either dishonest or delusional. Or at least that’s what your writing conveys.

      OK, I just checked delusional definition, and maybe it’s not what I thought. I mean something like “convinced by an idea that is completely wrong”. If you have a better or less insulting word, I’ll gladly learn it.

        10 months ago

        Even most liberals love to dunk on libertarians.

        I’m not a libertarian, because I don’t take my liberal views to the extremes that cross the line into libertarianism. But I find many of their arguments persuasive. And yes, I explicitly said I was going to play devil’s advocate, because it annoys me the way people dismiss a ridiculous parody of libertarianism and then act like they’ve made a real point.

        I’m definitely a liberal, and I don’t deny it at all. I fit right in on /r/neoliberal on Reddit. That doesn’t make me a libertarian: I’m pro-gun control, pro-public transit, etc. I have lots of views that libertarians would absolutely hate.

        that’s what your writing conveys.

        You mean my devil’s advocacy? I think any intelligent person should be flexible enough to explain ideas they don’t fully agree with. If you can’t even explain an opinion you disagree with, you don’t actually disagree with it: you’ve just dismissed it in caricature.