• Etterra@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Honestly, it doesn’t really matter. We’re talking about faith, which is basically a socially acceptable mental illness that can bypass logic and facts entirely regardless of subject matter. We’ve seen true believers ignore video evidence of cops commiting murder, flat earthers determine that somehow their own evidence that proves the earth to be round must be wrong, conservatives believing that somehow Trump cares about them, UFO weirdos believing they’ve been abducted, cryptid hunters failing to understand that they’re quarry had vanished in the age of ubiquitous high-def cell phone cameras, and climate deniers haven’t accepted proof yet. Hell we’re talking about the same idiots that think Jesus loves guns. Or the ones that got COVID and swore on their subsequent deathbeds that the vaccine was somehow worse.

    They sure as hell aren’t gonna believe that there’s no proof that Jesus didn’t exist.

    Until somebody finally finds a way to cure blind faith, we’re gonna just be saddled with a huge permanent population of delusional idiots.

    • niktemadur@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      And they don’t give a rat’s ass about the message of the Gospels, they focus on the exact wrong opposite things, the fetishes and imagery cooked up by the church along the way.

      They are simpletons, still in the goddamned Middle Ages, easily manipulated by other greedy pigs who also drank the kool-aid in childhood, all performing the mental gymnastics that they are “doing God’s work” against overwhelming evidence to the contrary.