This comment section: “Actually I’m pretty sure the bike fell over for reasons unrelated to the stick”

    7 months ago

    to the loneliness epidemic (of which young men are the most likely victims).

    I read this statement of yours my initial reaction is not very complimentary. Instead of making assumptions on what you mean and assuming the worst, I’m interested in your view to see if I would find validity with it, or if my initial reaction was sound. Do you have any source you’d consider objective on this you’d recommend me reading to explain your position/definition on this?

      7 months ago

      A simple search with the keywords “men” and “loneliness epidemic” should pull up plenty of resources on the topic. I’m on mobile right now and don’t feel like doing a whole deep-dive but here’s an article from NASW


      A 2020 research study found that age and gender can influence how lonely people feel. Younger people report more loneliness than older people, and men are more vulnerable to loneliness that is more intense than women.

      There’s plenty of debate to be had for whose “fault” this is, but the fact that young men are facing the brunt of the loneliness epidemic is a matter of fact that’s reinforced by countless polls.

        7 months ago

        A simple search with the keywords “men” and “loneliness epidemic” should pull up plenty of resources on the topic.

        Instead of me doing some rando search and assuming those were your views, I was asking for examples/articles on your views. I don’t think you want Joe Rogan or Tate talking for you, do you? Both of those assholes show up in those broad searches.

        I’m on mobile right now and don’t feel like doing a whole deep-dive but here’s an article from NASW

        'Gender roles appear to contribute to male adolescent loneliness. “In most cultures, men are expected to provide. Men are expected to lead,” says Romero. ’

        I don’t disagree that these ideas exist. Some cultures far more than others. In most western cultures however, the embrace of acknowledging the contributions and strengths of women work to combat this. The recognition that they’ve had it bad for hundreds of years and this new problem with men is a short term whiplash.

        Men should reject these ideas that men are the default providers or leaders. Believe those are true is an irrational trap. Men can be leaders or providers, but so can women.

          7 months ago

          I don’t disagree that these ideas exist. Some cultures far more than others. In most western cultures however, the embrace of acknowledging the contributions and strengths of women work to combat this. The recognition that they’ve had it bad for hundreds of years and this new problem with men is a short term whiplash.


          “Have they tried rejecting their depression? what, are they stupid?”

          This is how it feels, and the reality of actually existing, Men are frequently valued based off of their potential(earning or otherwise) in the real world, just by saying you reject it isn’t going to make this suddenly not true and just clear everything up in your life.

          The solution to a young mans worry about his potential and place in life is… acknowledging the contributions and strengths of women? that is an opinion.

            7 months ago


            “Have they tried rejecting their depression? what, are they stupid?”

            Congrats! I never said that. First, Clinical Depression is a serious matter and shame on you for trying to suggest that any amount of just thinking differently would change the outcome. There are documented medical causes and treatments by qualified psychiatrists. Millions of people suffer from Clinical Depression and its a serious matter. For those in need, I highly recommend seeking help. There’s no shame it in. We’re all broken and need help sometimes.

            However, we’re not talking about Clinical Depression. We’re talking about social and cultural norms about the role of men and the disillusion that arises when those old ideas don’t match today’s reality.

            This is how it feels, and the reality of actually existing, Men are frequently valued based off of their potential(earning or otherwise) in the real world,

            By who? Who’s opinion do you care about that is making that judgement of you? What is THEIR motive for judging you such?

            just by saying you reject it isn’t going to make this suddenly not true and just clear everything up in your life.

            Of course not. If you’re looking for a ‘silver bullet’ solution you’re not going to find one. Humans a irrational, greedy, hurt, self interested, and angry. Welcome to life. However, recognized what is important to you instead of seeking validation from others is the start.

            The solution to a young mans worry about his potential and place in life is… acknowledging the contributions and strengths of women? that is an opinion.

            The acknowledgement is that women have faced many of these same questions for hundreds or thousands of years. This isn’t new. Its just new to young men. That recognition should do a few things:

            • Give you empathy that the women in your life you love have faced these struggles and you’ve been immune to them up to now. Talk to them. Ask them how they navigate life. While not all of it will, see if any of it can give you guidance too.
            • Realize you are not alone. No, not just other young men are in it with you, but lots of women too.
            • Start questioning where you derive your ‘worth’ from. Ask yourself why you’re letting other people define that for you. Ask if you agree with their definitions.
              7 months ago

              Congrats! I never said that. First, Clinical Depression is a serious matter and shame on you for trying to suggest that any amount of just thinking differently would change the outcome.

              Oh my bad.

              This you?

              Men should reject these ideas that men are the default providers or leaders. Believe those are true is an irrational trap. Men can be leaders or providers, but so can women.

              Rejecting ideas -> changing the way they think

              And not only that, you for some reason think that everyone should change their opinions to match your world view.

              Sorry, I reject your giant wall of pedantry and goal post moving.

        7 months ago

        I don’t have time at the moment for the whole 1h and 30 min, but I listened to the first 7 min and saw the topic titles for the remaining. So far its pretty agreeable ideas (Each person is responsible for their own happiness. Its not ‘owed’ to you by someone else. Seeking pure external validation is a path to ruin.) However, so far this doesn’t support the idea posted before of “young men are victims” yet. I will listen to the rest though before passing judgment.

              7 months ago

              I am, because many of the worst arguments I’ve seen revolve around men believe they are entitled to the affections of others no matter how toxic their own personality is. I want to make sure 's argument isn’t that.

                  7 months ago

                  Loneliness ≠ not getting affection.

                  I completely agree, however some people make that mistake. I wanted to make sure that wasn’t what we were talking about here.

                    7 months ago

                    I think the fact that you’re instantly declaring that this needs to be addressed indicates a clear bias. You can determine bias through discourse, there is quite literally no need for adversarial behavior (which is exactly what you’ve exhibited, similarly to what I’m exhibiting now).

                    Young men are lonely and suffering, with millenials many of those young men are becoming middle aged men. That statement will never imply that young men, old men, men period are deserving of affection simply for being.

                    Furthermore, people like you are a big part of the reason men have a difficult time conducting reasonable discourse on these topics. You like to act as if you’re arguing in good faith but the reality is you’re just as prejudiced as the next bigot.