• problematicPanther@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Not everyone has the luxury to choose their ideal car. Electric and hybrid cars are fucking expensive. Some of us have to just buy whichever shitbox we can afford at the time and we choose said shitbox based upon its relative drivability and how many kilometers you can squeeze out of it until it’s well and truly undrivable anymore. Of course, I could buy a bicycle and use that to go everywhere. But what about people who commute for hours just to get to work, or pick up their kids every other weekend, or people living with a disability?

    wElL iF wE hAd A fUnCtiOnAl PuBlIc TrAnSpOrT sYsTeM… Shut the hell up with that shit. you and I both know that will never happen in America in its current iteration. The only way that pipe dream will ever happen is if we first get rid of the billionaire class and their lobbies in congress.