When I was in school we were taught genocide is a crime against humanity, now the USA and other countries act like Israel has blackmail material on all their leaders. What causes so many countries to be supporting them like this?

  • morphballganon@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I don’t have the answer, but thank you for asking. Seems a bunch of people want to sweep this under the rug, with the downvotes.

  • Pronell@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Because the entire world watched and stood by mostly silently as the Jewish people were eradicated in Europe and only stepped up when they became personally threatened.

    Then they decided to return the Jewish people to their homeland because 1) it wasn’t theirs to give so it was easy and 2) it wasn’t in their land so they didn’t have to host them.

    That is of course a vast oversimplification, but the spoils of past policies have come to roost.

    Israel is surrounded by enemies and its currently elected leaders, paranoid beyond reason. Most see the Palestinians as largely innocent bystanders in a war between Israel and Hamas, not true targets, so they don’t support the idea of genocide.

    But many of us see Netanyahu as someone who will not stop with eradicating Hamas as that was never his goal, and to pretend that all of these accidental strikes are indeed accidental is infuriatingly insulting.

    It’s so difficult to thread the needle that both the Jewish people and Palestinians are embattled in a hostile region. There are good and innocent people there.

    And those people are losing.

    Edit because I stopped before truly answering: The world has been supporting Israel out of guilt after WWII and undoing that framework of support will take time, and of course Israel is trying to keep that support.

  • Mighty@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    i’m not sure if that’s a thing that can be easily explained. The middle east has a history of violence and strife for thousands of years. And yes, some people still call back to that. sure, the anti-palistinians who commented here have a point. some really do pretend that what Israel is doing is just and correct. Others even need to pretend that nothing is even happening. it’s far away, so we can just try to ignore it.

    whatever your cause and justification, it is genocide. NO MATTER what “Hamas” are doing (everyone in Palestine can just be called Hamas, you don’t need any evidence. See the “war on terror” where everyone could have been called Taliban to justify ANY cruelty), the power imbalance is SO big, Israel is commiting war crimes. and no, that’s not antisemitism. but people raiding food and aid trucks, civilians being spurred on to pillage villages, raizing entire neighborhoods, that’s not a response. if that was the “correct” response, then every country would be a dead desert.

    So, dear 5-year-olds, the world is a complicated place. and if anyone wants to give you a simple black-and-white answer, they’re holding back vital context.

  • Kaboom@reddthat.com
    5 months ago

    Because outside of lemmy, most dont believe Israel is commiting genocide. If anything, Hamas/Gaza are the ones committing genocide.

    Simple as.

    • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Indeed, this “from the river to the sea” talk means eradicating Israel. One side intends to eradicate the other; they do not plan to live in harmony.

      Hamas could end the civilian bloodshed, immediately, if they release ALL the hostages & surrender. But they don’t care about about casualties; they revel in death. The plan has been laid out in their articles (but softened in 2017) , believe them both. But give more weight to the original. It speaks from the heart, and communicates the desire to exterminate Jews.

      There’s nothing simple about any of it, though. Idk. Complicated blood feuds, various claims to ancient lands. It’s just a shame they can’t get along. I love this cartoon on the subject, This Land Is Mine. Never ceases to be relevant, a poignant commentary on their eternal struggle.

      Getting sucked into a rabbit hole & I need to sleep, I find it interesting. Wildly different takes from different sides, all claim to be peaceful. Idk I’m very skeptical, with the first Hamas charter, how I’ve seen Hamas behave, & just generally how people operate.

      The people representing each side are biased, of course, and it’s possible they believe what they’re saying. It’s also possible they’re telling you what they want you to know, or what you want to hear. Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. US was withdrawing from Afghanistan, and we heard so many assurances from the fucking Taliban (( lol )) about how “they were just going to assume power”, “they will be just & good”, “the women will be fine”, just telling the world everything the world wanted to hear. They resumed control. Now their young girls are banned from above-8th grade education, they’re covered up, they’re married off & beaten & raped. Business as usual. Huh. I guess the Taliban…lied.

      Don’t believe what people say. Believe what they do.

      • Mighty@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        good comparison to the Taliban. They were being fundet and weaponized by the US against the CCCP and were deemed a good ally. But then they threatened the opium exports into the US and had to be killed. todays allies can always be tomorrows enemies. but PLEASE look into the balance of power. one side is throwing stones, the other has the military might of half the western world.