This is a lock box based on the Star Trek: Prodigy animated show.

  • Protostar Science Spearhead.
  • Protostar Phaser Weapons
  • Duty Officers
  • Space Trait: Space Trait: Whole Lotta X’s
  • Space Trait: The Old Razzle-Dazzle
  • Kit Module - Watcher Robots
  • Protostar Phaser High Density Rifle and Protostar Phaser Stun Pistol
  • Mellanoid slime worm
    1 year ago

    Kit Module - Watcher Robots

    Huh, how did I miss this? I can get it from the Exchange, too! Definitely have to wait until the initial rush calms down, or it goes to the Infinity Box

    Each robot is capable of firing an Energy Bolt and discharge melee range an Electric Shock that can stun targets.

    I think someone’s having a stroke…