Wow, Sony really shit the bed on this one.
Amber Heard style
I’m OOL, what happened that was this bad? I’d heard it wasn’t popular, like it just didn’t latch onto the market (reasonably, due to oversaturation), but was there something functionally wrong with the game?
Functionally no, the game doesn’t appear to have crazy massive bugs.
It’s just another bland live service hero shooter, that was extremely poorly advertised (personally I never heard of it until a week after it came out). I think Sony thought that it’s presence in their playstation store was enough to get it enough traction (to be entirely fair that did work with other, better games) to spread through word of mouth, but that requires the game is good.
Nothing was functionally wrong with the game.
People have said it hasnt done anything much to separate itself from all the other free to play hero shooters to jusitfy its $40 price tag.
People also aren’t vibing with the character designs.
Thanks, I still can’t wrap my head around how it makes sense to pull the game and issue auto refunds. Unless PlayStation thinks it’s so toxically bad that its mere existence is damaging to the brand.
It’s a game that was 8 years too late to the market that it was already losing in even if it came out 8 years ago.
Uhhh i bet the guys responsible for suicide squad wanna do the same so badly, but they need to keep the game alive long enough so they don’t have to give the money back.
Concord fans… Who are they even talking to?