It’s ridiculous. I know the MSM is pretty right wing in general but like really? Maybe they are and I’ve just missed it but I would think it would be big news.

Ukrainians getting slaughtered on the daily basically on behalf of us (NATO) in order to hold the border between NATO and Russia.

Yet we take months to agree to give them the things they need, making them ineffective, while giving Israel everything they could possibly dream of to genocide the Palestinians.

I’ve gotta believe that history won’t look back on this kindly… if we even have much more of a future as a race…

I think at this point, we either need to absolutely swamp Ukraine with weapons or we need to be pushing for “peace” which will involve at least pieces of Ukraine being handed over to Russia.

I swear NATO is basically using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder right now. Or like suicide bombers: we don’t care if they die, as long as they take some Russians with them.

I think unfortunately it’s gonna have to be piece at this point. Had we really thrown everything to Ukraine at the start, I think there’s a good a chance they could have kept Russia back. I don’t think we have that same opportunity now. We are about to start entering a cold period again. How many Ukrainians will freeze to death over this coming winter? And for what? For them to surrender next year?

Meanwhile we continue to give Israel all the tools they need to completely wipe out the Palestinians. If the UK could make a stand, it would put a lot of pressure on America. We need our government to be brave and not repeat the failures of following America as we did with the Iraq war.

We need to be brave on both issues. In both cases, the pressure from probably their closest ally, should make a difference. We should do it now, because it will be easier to do before hopefully Harris is elected. Then she will just be continuing with what she was left with rather than having to make the big changes herself. Like ideally she should be able to succumb to some pressure from us if it comes to it too. But it would just be easier to have this awkward moment with an outgoing president, who we won’t have to speak to in a couple of months.

If Trump gets elected then we are just fucked all round really. Again it would make sense for us to have made our move before he gets in, but realistically we are probably all fucked anyway if Trump the Dictator gets in.

That’s my rant over anyway… am I wrong? Am I missing something here? Apart from the obvious that we tend to treat country’s with nukes better than those countries without, even the ones we persuaded to get rid of their nukes and swore we would protect cough Ukraine cough.

    1 month ago

    I can’t really speak to Europe in particular as I’m an American and mainly understand American issues, but from the bits that I’ve seen it seems like Russia has been trying to influence the politicians of any country that “dares” to interfere with their intentions.

    I would not be the slightest bit surprised to find European NATO countries have their own Russia manipulated politicians either willingly or unknowingly fighting against the release of weapons/money to Ukraine. On the opposite side we in America have a gigantic lobby that is solely focused on helping Israel, again I would not be the slightest bit surprised to find they too are operating in other countries that would help them (not necessarily a bad thing in concept, any country would want to have a lobby to petition other governments to help them. I’m not trying to be antisemitic or anything)

    There is also the concept that Isreal helps as a “stabilizer” for the middle east. That’s the geopolitics argument, I’m not smart enough to know whether that actually works as intended or not.

    1 month ago

    I swear NATO is basically using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder right now. Or like suicide bombers: we don’t care if they die, as long as they take some Russians with them.

    Pretty much, their goal is to weaken Russia by keeping Ukraine fighting to the last Ukrainian, not actually help Ukraine win.

    If we gave Ukraine weapons to win, it would inevitably mean enough weapons for them to take Moscow, or at least get close to doing so, at which point Russia would probably launch nukes. That’s ignoring the need to train them to use advanced weapons systems.

    1 month ago

    Well thinking logically rarher then morally.

    Fear has a lot to do with the difference.

    Providing weapons to isreal while morrally corrupt. Is not likely to turn a nation anyone fear against them.

    While Russia however badly maintained has the equiv nukes to the whole of nato.

    So if they decide to srart a world war. Even if only 1 % of their 6k plus nukes works. The result is pretty bad.

    Media is curript as hell. But plenty of people object to isreal wrapo s sales.

    It is hardly suprisi g that a little more hesitence is shown by citizens to providing weapons against russia. Even if deep down many (me included) feel it is right. The risk is real.