• 12 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2024


  • Really? Lib Dem’s back in clegg days when I voted for them were always more left than Labour. But I felt like they’d moved further right in more recent years. I suppose the most left thing they did was the calling for another referendum. Probably I need to actually look into them a bit more though cos my info is very out dated Nd you and this guy are basically saying opposite things lol.

    I don’t think the Tories were centre though. They were always right wing. It’s a case of who you compare them to. But America are just an anomaly IMO. And they’re one country. If we compare to Europe, then Tories have always been right wing. But certainly further right in recent years and now apparently far right.

    Labour, I would say are centre. Greens left. Lib Dem’s who the fuck knows. I thought probably centre but I dunno shit, jackkk.

  • Oxymoron@lemmy.worldtome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    26 days ago

    Yeah or maybe you’re just trying to wind down doing something online whatever no one’s business to be fair. There’s having the energy to have a thoughtful conversation and then there’s watching a video or whatever. They’re not equal. And you don’t owe anyone your time anyway.

  • The thing I don’t get though, is that can’t you just lie and pretend your kids are sick? At least for a week. I suppose two weeks might be more difficult, I was never off school for that long as a kid so dunno if you have to provide some kinda proof if it’s that long.

    Or do you have to provide some kind of doctor’s note for even a week now? I wasn’t even off for a full week to be fair so maybe I’m just unaware…

  • As an atheist, I would say that I can see the benefits of the community that churches provide. Basically having a close network of friends and supportive people is always going to be good.

    But you don’t need religion for this. We definitely need closer communities. Like if we had some other place we could all go to and make some effort to actually go at least once a week for an hour or two or however long. This would definitely be a good thing as it helps with loneliness which is a big problem these days. It would also be a much healthier alternative to the default pub social setting.

    However religion can be very harmful. So I’m definitely against religion. I’m not against religious people, apart from the people who say stuff about things being gods plan or that god made whatever bad thing happened to them for a reason. They’ll say it in a way that makes it sound like they’re being nice but it can actually be really harmful for people who have been through trauma. An example would be how people saying how god saved Trump. Which actually means god murdered those other (two?) people that died by pushing the bullets around Trump and into them lol.

    Or if you come out as gay in a lot of religious communities that means instant rejection and you lose your whole support system overnight unless you repress your true self.

    So yeah - religion bad - community good.

  • Yeah I mean I dunno if it’s helpful to call them idiots. Cos ideally a really small number of these people might be capable of changing their opinions. I mean I don’t buy that anyone can be undecided at the moment, or for quite a long time really. I think the votes needed can either come from Trump supporters or from people who are lazy voting wise. Who would back Harris if they could vote from home, but just might not get their arse down to the polling station on the day.

    Well I suppose there is maybe some republicans who just hate the Democrats and would never vote for them under normal scenarios, but are uncomfortable as fuck with Trump.

    Meh. Maybe we can do without the Trumpers if we are lucky lol. I mean we might not have a choice in the matter. I suppose as much as we don’t want to alienate them by calling them idiots, they are in reality idiots if they’re literally believing stuff like the litter box examples and even if we don’t call them idiots, the reality is they’re probably too idiotic to be turned, so it likely won’t make a difference anyway.

    Who knows…

  • Oxymoron@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    Your example is not at all the same thing. To make your example fit you’d need to change it to something like: “hey guys I’ve tried googling this and I’m just not very good with printers as unfortunately I haven’t owned one until now”. Then asking the actual question, like then place what you said after what I said.

    You shouldn’t need to have the part I said. You’re basically adding in the part because you’re worried someone might call you an idiot or something for not knowing the answer to your question if it turns out it’s something simple that other people know (simple for people who know it anyway).

    That’s the point…

  • lol yeah fair I hear you cheers. I know you’re right but it’s hard not to chase that high. I’d be happy if I could have get high like this once or twice a week like maybe once every 4 days.

    Like: 100mg, 50mg, 100mg, 50mg, 200mg then repeat.

    In that pattern the 200mg should always hit pretty hard if you think about it cos of the fact you’re depriving yourself a lot on two of those days and then the 200mg day is even still twice even the 100mg days.

    But yeah that’s my addict mind at work. Plus I’d aim to take 600mg of Pregab every other day maybe and make the 600mg day the same day as the 200mg Methadone day to enhance it even further.

    Maybe that does sound bad. But I don’t really see the harm in it. It’s not like I’m going out and buying EXTRA methadone to take on top of my normal doses. I’m simply apportioning more methadone to some days but then less methadone to other days so it completely balances itself out. Same with the pregabalin.

    You wouldn’t feel quite as stable. The two 50mg days are gonna be the kinda shitty days but shouldn’t be to the extent of having any problematic withdrawals symptoms. Like a small part of me is regretting having done this thing right now. Because I now have to have this boring possibly slightly just slightly more uncomfortable feeling day mentally than usual. But I know it’s only for 24 hours so I’ll be through it soon enough. I’ll be sleeping for like 8 of those hours even.

    In regards to this double dose and worrying anyway. I’m sure I’ll be fine now cos in 3 hours it’s will be the time when I could have taken the second 100mg anyway. So the levels should be evening out now. Cos the first 100mg I took was literally 21 hours ago now. It would be different had I taken the whole 200mg at once I suppose but as it is, I’m not too concerned now.

    Are you 43 by the way or was that just a random number you pulled out lol?

  • Well yeah. Because Trump’s strategy will just be to talk about all the shit he already talks about, regardless of the question. If he does actually try to answer the question he will likely just waffle, call things fake news, call Kamala a communist, shit like that. Kamala will have a normal strategy of actually answering the questions like literally any other politician would in any other debate. Hopefully she can also shut down Trump with a few simple similar to “he’s weird” comments, because even though it’s a shame that they work, they do actually work for just dismissing his bullshit and are simple to understand for the simple minded.

    As I say, it’s a shame so many people are apparently that simple, that stuff like “make America great again” and “fake news, that’s just fake news” actually work: but they do work for persuading certain simple minded people who the Democrats need votes from.

    It’s kinda how the whole “when they go low we go high” thing doesn’t actually work as a complete strategy.

    Yes she needs to be making coherent, actual points as well. But having the odd simple put down and knowing when something Trump has said is so insane, that it actually doesn’t deserve a proper answer, but simply a dismissal is important.

    Otherwise you end up being on the defensive constantly and run out of time to actually make your own coherent points.