• anticolonialist@lemmy.world
    27 days ago

    They dont understand how election math works, a vote for Harris is taking a vote away from a third party candidate and is giving it to Trump.

    • JigglySackles@lemmy.world
      26 days ago

      That’s not how any of that works. The only reason people consider 3rd party votes throw aways is because 3rd party absolutely with 100% confidence will not win the federal election right now. America isn’t primed to allow that to happen at this stage and level. They need to take local elections first and build up the movement getting enough backing to make the federal level even close to possible.

      And whether voting for 3rd party is throwing a vote to one of the other two parties comes down to which one the voter would have voted for had a 3rd party not been an option. If they would’ve voted for the democratic candidate, but instead chose to vote for a 3rd party that has 0% chance of winning, then yeah, it hurts the democratic platforms chances. If they would have voted republican, but chose to vote for a 3rd party with 0% chance of winning the it hurts the repiblican platforms chance. Therefore green party votes are considered mostly detrimental to democratic platforms because their voters are more left leaning in nature. Few would vote republican when no 3rd party option presented itself.

      The idea that voting democratic or republican is throwing away a vote from green to their competitor isn’t functional since the party has zero chance of winning, even if the fence sitters joined them. If they were competitive on federal level you would have a point though.

      • anticolonialist@lemmy.world
        25 days ago

        Why is that not how it works, it seems to be the preferred method when the candidates are rearranged? The whole Stein vote gives it to Trump bullshit.