Screenshot of a Mastodon post - A picture of the bridge of the Enterprise-D from Star Trek The Next Generation’s first season. In it are Captain Picard, Doctor Crusher, and Wesley Crusher in the Captain’s chair.

The text reads:
“Wil Wheaton is now five years older than Patrick Stewart was in the pilot of Star Trek the next generation. Have your bones demineralized and fallen apart yet?”

Original post @ Mastodon

    8 days ago

    Wil Wheaton is a stand up bloke.

    Many years ago I emailed him a horrible email calling him all kinds of names and he replied, in a nice but also boing flip kind of way that really put me in my place. I was a dumb kid at the time, he either figured that out or was just pure class.

    I apologised to him on Reddit a few years ago and he replied saying it was all cool. Wish more people in the world were like that.