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π•Ύπ–•π–Žπ–ˆπ–ž π•Ώπ–šπ–“π–† @ spicytuna62

"Consumeth thou mine shortened legwear." - Bartholomew, Son of Simp

Posts 223
Comments 517

Stay alert.


I've been visited by the Prelude Curse


The left door handle has been cracked ever since I got the car so this was coming sooner or later. A year of daily use ain't bad. Still, it came as a shock when, last Wednesday, I grabbed the handle, and the door didn't come open. I'm a big dude (tall and fat), and there wasn't room on the other wall to climb in through the passenger side. Somehow, I passed the acrobatics check it took to climb through the trunk and into the front seat. And I didn't hurt my back at 32 years old. Truly a feat to behold.

I've already bought a handle, but it won't be in til Thursday. I could run around with it like this for a week, but I'm not gonna.

Which means I'll be driving my wife's cargo ship for a few days.

Forbidden Snacks π•Ύπ–•π–Žπ–ˆπ–ž π•Ώπ–šπ–“π–†

Forbidden watermelon

What’s pvp? An sti?
  • I don't care for pvp versus total strangers. Local pvp or co-op is where it's at. Same with LAN parties. My brother used to bring his PS3 over to my apartment in college. He'd hook up to the TV, I'd grab a PC monitor and headphones, and my roommate would bring his own TV to the living room and we'd play Borderlands 2 together. We used to also play a lot of Melee in those days. I miss that a lot.

  • At last, my orange boy achieved inner peace.

    For a few minutes anyway. Then it was back to his regularly scheduled chaos.


    He figured out where all of the cold air was coming from.

    And they don't fold well either
  • This fails to mention how he made it so that the side you're laying on is never the cool side.

  • giant trans flag rule
  • Same with the Germans. They really love their flag. I think the only group of people I've seen come close to it is Marylanders.

  • I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks
  • Fun fact: There are plenty of times a screw that looks like a Philips head is also compatible with a square drive. I've mostly seen this on electrical outlets and Ikea furniture.

    I don't know why Robertson/square drives aren't more common. They're stable and they resist stripping and rounding.

  • What do you call a mean Canadian?

    An eh-hole.


    One of the aspects I miss most about living in apartments is seeing all the cats basking in windows, including my own.


    She looks very dragon-like

    Can you believe it?
  • Appreciate the advice. I change the filter every month on the 21st and clean the coil each March. We have really drafty early 70s windows.

    Might get my refrigerant checked.

  • Can you believe it?
  • It's been baking here the last couple weeks. We finally got some cooler air and some rain yesterday. Something like 73Β°F last night as my wife and I waited outside the restaurant for our valet driver. I was wearing a long sleeve button down and wasn't being murdered by heat. In early July. It was a miracle. We just kept asking each other what is this weather?It's only supposed to be 85-90 degrees for the next several days. It'll be nice for my air conditioning to not have to struggle to keep it cooler than 80Β°F indoors

    September is only a couple months away. I can't wait.

  • Mint is absolutely killing it
  • Mint is delicious and I'll fucking fight you over that.

  • Got a Point
  • Ah yes. 9 PM, when the heat index is still 100Β°F.

    Here's yesterday's peak heat index across Oklahoma. It being 99Β° isn't the problem. It feeling 10 degrees hotter is.

  • Got a Point
  • It's the AC for me, especially. When it's 35-40 degrees and swampy outside, the weather is downright dangerous, especially for physical activity.

  • I spent fourteen minutes doing the thing I needed to do. Time for a two hour siesta.

    Sovcit thinks the real estate agent is crazy.
  • Our agent was a cool dude. It was the sellers that were always out of their mind. The lady who sold us our house hired a junk hauler to clean the attic. He had an accident and fell through the ceiling. No big. He said he'd cover the cost of repair. She didn't want to do any of the work to make it happen, though. She said we needed to arrange the repair.

    Insanity. Only in the market we've been in would this kind of thing be acceptable. But we'd put offers in on about 15 different houses. All of them got outbid. Not only was this one the least expensive, it's also one of the better built ones (fully brick clad, for starters). It was our first offer to be taken. We were exhausted with the process and ready to move. So I called the handyman and arranged the repair.

    And then I called the junk hauler who said he'd cover the cost of repair. And when I told him the damage was $350, he RENEGGED. Said that was too steep. Couldn't we find someone cheaper? He will have lost money on this job. Blah blah blah. I told him look, I don't care about 350 bucks. And if he didn't want to pay, then whatever, I have nothing in writing. But the house had to be inspected after that and ofc it shows in the report and so that was a shitty thing for him to do. And I hung up the phone.

    4 weeks later, I got a check in the mail for $300. Even in making it right, the bastard cheaped out on me.

    I hope this is it. I love my house. It needs love here and there. It's old, but it's got great bones. Plus, it's in a really nice area close to a lot of stuff. I do NOT want to deal with this bullshit for at least another 30 years.

  • I swear it slows down when it knows I'm in a rush.
  • I think I'd get fired if I walked into the office with Debian installed on my work laptop.


  • In the US, did Amazon kill the mall, is everyone too broke, or a combination of other factors?
  • The disappearance of defined benefit retirement plans is yet another way those on top are boning us, and it is NOT being talked about enough.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.


    Weezer? I hardly know 'er!


    Napoleon Dynamite is 20 years old now.

    Hello, fellow aging millennials.


    The local dog park has kiddie pools by the water spigots.

    It was like 102 degrees (~39Β°C) yesterday evening (and about as humid as Vietnam), but he was SOOOOOO BORED. So I got him out of the house. He made it eleven feet into the park, pooped, and immediately went to the pool afterwards to wait for me to fill it.


    hi wat doin?


    Here are my most recent additions.

    In case you can't tell, I like indie rock.


    Watch out, guns. You're next.


    Never know til you go.

    ~Disclaimer: Don't actually do this.~


    Screw you guys. I cast what I want.


    He's a sweetheart.


    I go out of my way to not crap at work.
