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Lee Gunner is a twat.
That is all.
I genuinely don’t get his shtick.
Partly I understand that making shocking takes gets him views and attention, but you at least have to make it somewhat believable that these are genuinely his opinions and not something he plays up.
Also, he’s just a terrible person, like I would say that I myself am a bit cynical, but watching him just confirms to me that he has no empathy, compassion or that he even tries to consider anything that can be considered ‘big picture’.
To me Lee Gunner is just a Roy Keane without any footballing ability, but even more ‘yer da’ style of takes.
There are many people on this sub who are just like him tbh
some men have a really toxic relationship with football where they thrive on criticising their team, like that becomes the whole essence of following football to them. Him and his loser fans are like this.
He called Saka and ESR ‘Fail End’ after a bad performance once. Not a real Arsenal fan.
I would say he is half right so far. If speaking objectively.
He said it in late 2021. It was moronic. Calling *teenage* players failures will always be short-sighted, and to do it about your own club’s players is wild
ah i see. doesn’t make sense if it was said back then.
Maybe he started as a fan but now he’s just about clicks/views.
Paying any attention to this nobody is the mistake.