Donald Trump said he would accept home confinement or jail time after his historic conviction by a New York jury last week but that it would be tough for the public to accept.

“I’m not sure the public would stand for it,” the Republican presidential candidate told Fox News in an interview that aired on Sunday. “I think it’d be tough for the public to take. You know, at a certain point, there’s a breaking point.”

Trump did not elaborate on what he thought might happen if that point is reached. He is scheduled to be sentenced July 11, four days before Republicans gather to formally choose their presidential nominee to face Democratic President Joe Biden in November’s election.

Asked what Trump supporters should do if he were jailed, Republican National Committee Co-Chair Lara Trump told CNN: “Well, they’re gonna do what they’ve done from the beginning, which is remain calm and protest at the ballot box on November 5th. There’s nothing to do other than make your voices heard loud and clear and speak out against this.”

    5 months ago

    Right with ya. Problem is, the vast majority of Americans are ignorant of history and have a, “Can’t happen here!” attitude.

    Fascism isn’t coming, it’s here, now, today.

    You have it right on the best/worst case scenarios. Best case might sober enough people up to turn the ride. Otherwise we’re sleepwalking into this.

      5 months ago

      Highly recommend the Podcast It Could Happen Here with Robert Evans.

      I tell people as often as I can, especially my trans and bipoc friends; now is the time. Get a couple guns (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic first aid, you really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Start networking with like-minded people in your communities. The police will not protect us, they’ve proven they’ll happily club senior citizens to the ground and shoot any protesters in the face with rubber bullets while escorting a rightwing murderer to safety.

      Iran was a secular, liberal monarchy until almost 1980 when an Islamic theocracy was installed with public approval, it could happen here.