I don’t like to sleep in near pitch black rooms. It just feels unnatural to me. It may be more the fact that it prevents the gradual transition to daylight unless you’re using an artificial light, so that bothers me more because you don’t know when morning is. But even when traveling I love to keep the curtains open through the night and sleep to whatever the natural light level is around me even if it’s in the middle of a city.

  • Boozilla@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I wish I had your superpower. I need the room pretty dark to sleep well.

    Doesn’t have to be total darkness. I like there to be a small amount of light. My bed has underlighting, so you can see the floor. But it’s not blasting you in the eyes. Works pretty well.

    I really dislike sunlight creeping in through the windows in the morning. My shades block 98% of it. But the windows face south, so sunlight leaks in around the edges. They make edge seals for this, but I haven’t tried them.

    Once I’m awake, I do like to throw the shades up. Sunlight is better than artificial light when I’m up and about.

  • Crackhappy@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Hmmm I can see your point, but on the other side, think about how our species evolved, to sleep in very dark conditions. It seems to me that it’s more natural to sleep in the dark and waken with the gradual lightening of the sky at dawn. So I guess I agree you with you that we shouldn’t go from full dark to full bright with the flick of a switch. For myself, I keep the blinds open and wake with the dawn, and always feel very rested.

  • RebekahWSD@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Oh, I greatly prefer to sleep in a room with lights on. I can sleep in a dark room but I really don’t enjoy it at all. Unfortunately my husband is in the category of dark rooms only, so I like to take midday naps when possible cause all that light!

  • VelvetStorm@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I work nights and sleep during the day, so I have the exact opposite of this and I also have photophobia. I have cardboard that has silver mylar glued to it taped into the windows of my bed room as well as blackout curtains and then regular curtains over those and strips of foam around the bottom of the door so no light can come in from the rest of the house. This works great in the winter but in the summer the bedroom fuckin cooks so I have to have an ac window unit in and that let’s in a lot of light so I have to wear a sleep mask in the summers. It sucks.

  • shalafi@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I can sleep in pitch black, and love to, but I agree on leaving the curtains at least cracked, need the sun to get me up.